(no subject)

Jul 05, 2008 19:03

Ash is out playing poker with some guys from his course and I have just put Amelia to bed and am now sitting here wondering what to do with myself... should I read, play a game, watch a movie? Or just piss away the time with drivel here?

Drivel it is.

My birthday was a big success, everyone had a ball. We scoured op shops and junk shops for everything we could possibly need for a senior citizens hoedown. We didn't manage to play bowls as the budget wouldn't stretch to include it but we did have Bingo, Checkers, Backgammon, cards, a jigsaw puzzle and some theming with nanna rugs, free medication upon arrival, with 2 choices, the hard stuff or the placebo (vodka jelly shots or mini m&m's) in little pill cups. I also made up old people name tags so everyone had to choose a name on arrival. My mum bought an old style hors d'oeuvre holder which was dressed with toothpicks containing kabana, pickled onions and cheese and a very scary fashion.

Most people dressed up and although some people went to a lot more effort than others, everyone seemed to get into the spirit of the evening. I even got old themed presents wracking up a haul of mini gin bottles, boiled lollies, $5 in a card, some Christmas bath confetti, a Christmas ornament and a very very ugly statue from the op shop. Taking the cake was a box of suppositories from H (containing no tablets, but a most welcome gift voucher!), he even tried to convince the chemist to make up a fake prescription label to go on them but he refused.

I thoroughly expected all the games to be just props as people talked and maybe danced, but no one danced except me and kitty and all the games were played, the jigsaw even got finished. My friends are weird, but I love them! Everyone brought heaps of food, and I cooked all day on the Friday, but it all got eaten. I got a little tipsy and vaguely remember eating lasagne at 4am when we got home!

Here's a photo slideshow from the night for those who aren't on my FB friend list.

click here

In other news, we are still slowly improving the house and I'm still wondering what to do about my job - should I stay and struggle financially or go and most likely do a job I hate to make the money we need??? It's a tough decision.

Amelia has taken to singing a lot lately, here's her version of Baa Baa Black Sheep...

'baa baa black sheep uni wool yessir yessir yessir yessir yessir bags full one master dame lane'

It's so impossibly cute. She also sings Round and round the garden, Row row row your boat, Teddybear teddybear, Twinkle twinkle little star and a few others. She can count to ten now although she frequently misses out eight, and she's starting to recognise some letters of the alphabet. Each day she makes me shake my head in wonder as she learns something new, and when she says "fanks mummy" when I give her something, or "ta much daddy" it's so cool. We've taught her please and thankyou, excuse me, bless you, she's a polite little thing. Until she headbutts you in the groin while yelling "crash mummy" and giggling her head off. She loves being tickled and is animal crazy.

Driving home from the country last weekend she was nearly wetting herself (actually she may well have been, hehe) with excitement every time we went passed a sheepybaa or a moocow. Today we went past a circus that was packing up and despite my moral objections to animals in circuses, we had to stop and let Amelia see the elephants, camels and ponies in the paddocks. It was definitely a highlight for her, one of the ponies sniffed her hand and ate grass out of it. She looked delighted.

When I am sick (like now) she tries to put me to bed and rubs my head saying "poor mummy, go bed now". Don't get me wrong though, she can also me a mega pain in the butt and an absolute brat when she wants to be, but it is not very often and it doesn't usually last long.

She fell down and broke her front tooth a little while ago which led to her first dentist trip, she thinks the dentist chair is a slide and when I went back the other day for my check up (after being guilted into it during Amelia's appointment!) she kept trying to climb on it and slide back down, a trifle hard when I am in the chair with a drill going in my mouth!! I only needed one filling and a scrape though so it wasn't too bad.

My mum's recovering well from her hip replacement and is enjoying her time off work. I get to see her quite a bit now as she is home from work and I visit on my days off. Amelia likes to use nan's crutches... it's amusing.

Anyway I think I might go watch a movie or something now, my flu is making me very lethargic. Until next time folks!
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