Aprilaprilapril how can it be april???

Apr 16, 2008 20:53

Life has been ticking along here, nothing major has been happening, just the usual things life throws at you.

Ash and I have both joined the new local gym and have been forcing our poor lazy bodies to perform unnatural acts of fitness on a semi regular basis. My ordeal commenced last Thursday night when I decided to do a body combat class but was lied to by their recptionist about the time it was on and inadvertently found myself in a spin cycle class of pain! The upside was Guns n Roses was one of the tracks, never imagined cycling to Paradise City, bu it worked surprisingly well. I decided to have Friday off as my poor ass was so beaten and bruised from the bike seat that I could hardly move ... but it wasn't to be. The car had a blow out about 2km's from home and with Amelia crying in the backseat, waiting for the RACV to help me wasn't an option (it was already dark and I was nowhere near a street light and was not going to attempt changing it myself in those conditions!) and Ash was at the gym, so I decided to walk home, my poor feet, my boots are NOT good to walk in!

Saturday I attempted a thump boxing class, which was a lot of fun but showed how painfully little strength I have, one of the many things I need to work on. Sunday I did a body jam class, which showed how painfully uncoordinated I am, but was hilariously good fun. Monday night I had my first personal training sessionm which showed how painfully unfit I am *chuckles*.

I've had yesterday and tonight off as Ash has school and I have no one to watch Amelia. My body thanks me hehe. We are also trying to eat healthy and start looking after ourselves.

In aid of this, even though I baked a White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake for Cate's birthday on Saturday night (finished baking at 1am), and I didn't even eat ANY! Yay me.

Work has been busy, and distressing - there are so many cruelty cases going on at the moment each one more heartbreaking than the last, I've shed a few tears at the photos that come through. I don't know how the inspectors do it each day, I know I couldn't.

In other distessing news, our interest rate has gone up AGAIN (5th month in a row) and that means another $80 a month - it's gone up over $300 a month in the last 6 months. When you don't get paid any extra to help cover it, it really hurts at the wallet end.

Had a bit of a mini breakdown on Friday night, S found a guy I used to be in love with (as a teenager), on Facebook and sent me his profile. For some reason that heartbreak has never quite stopped hurting (not surprising I guess, it nearly ended my, well, everything, at the time). The way I have allowed myself to be treated by so many people in my life just all came crashing back to me in one night and I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I think the worstpart is I would love an apology, but feel I would be more likely to receive a "what, who the hell ARE you?" type response. And I am not going to try to find out!


Why can I never get over ANYTHING in my life? I am a hoarder, physically and emotionally. It is not healthy. Although as I said to Ash, if I wasn't like this, we wouldn't be where we are, I would have been over him and moved on years ago, so maybe there is a point to it all, in some small way.

My baby girl is growing up so quickly, she knows about 150 words or so now (that's our guess anyway) and is starting to string sentences together. She can count to 7 unaided and recognises A and M when I point to them in her name. She demands kisses constantly, not just for herself, for all her toys too hehehe, and she makes all her toys kiss each other all the time. Some days she hates me and refuses to come near me, all she wants is Daddy. Some days she loves me and can't stop cuddling and kissing me, but those days, she still loves Daddy too. Maybe the 12 months at home with her formed a bond that I will not be able to match? I don't know. It makes me sad sometimes, but she never fails to cuddle me if I cry, so a few sham tears here and there and I get my cuddle.... evil mummy. Some days Ash and I are one person, the mummydaddy entity that must be crawled upon from every angle. I just lvoe her to bits.

Well it's cold, I think I need doona time. Hope everyone is all well!!!
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