May 12, 2008 01:08
Undergraduate Semester Course work CRN Subject Course Section Course Title Campus Final Grade Attempted Earned GPA Hours Quality Points
OH YEAH!!!!! yet another semester on the dean's list! i'm super pissed tho cuz the figure studies class that i got a B in was totally undeserved. he was the WORST teacher i've EVER had. and he got his undergrad at MOREHOUSE... which i think is funny. there's definitely something wrong with those guys! the instructor evaluation i gave him is hilarious... but soooo true.
"I don’t even know how to start explaining how horrible this class was. First, Etienne’s attendance policy was ridiculous. He decided that if you missed one class it would count as 2 absences, and I still don’t understand why; if you miss one class, it’s one absence. Etienne hired the same male model for the first 3 months of the semester, how much can you possibly learn from the same model over and over? I would have liked to work with different body types throughout the semester. As a class, we asked Etienne multiple times to do demos of how to construct the figure, and he ignored us. He made one figure I guess he considered a demo, but it was behind everyone so we couldn’t see what he was doing, and we were still required to work while he was working. He also required these insane sketchbook assignments, and even if you did the assignment correctly, he still failed you. One of Etienne’s fellow grad students let us know that he was showing them our class’s grades, which breaks federal law. I caught Etienne sleeping during the class, when he was supposed to be teaching us. The first half hour of each class was wasted while we all “prepared” for class by leaving to get coffee/breakfast and/or smoking. Etienne would proceed to explain what you were doing incorrectly while sculpting the figure, but he would either come by too late to fix the mistake or he would only explain what you did wrong, but not how to fix it. Our final project had absolutely nothing to do with what we did all semester. For 4 months we worked on the figure in its entirety, and we didn’t even get to use all that experience we gained for our final piece! Instead we were required to build a self portrait head, how boring and first grade is that?? Ultimately, I think Etienne is a jerk who didn’t do crap in this class except sleep and then hand out failing grades to undeserving students. I can’t believe I contributed to his paycheck for “teaching” that class. For a required class, they should have someone who knows what they’re talking about and actually likes teaching. I feel so sorry for the poor students who will have him as an instructor in the future."
anyway, school let out last tuesday, and i have about a month to kill until summer school. krista's gone and tons of people had to graduate and grow up. i'm lonely and missing school. i went by the temp agency earlier in the week to see if they could hook me up with some work between now and then.. but it's not lookin good.
oh well, i promised myself i would saw up all that freakin wood i bought forever ago and make my storage thing. i have to photograph all my stuff for portfolio submission too, and i built a soft box over spring break.
OH YEAH! and i'm trying to apply for financial aid. what the crap?! why did no one tell me that's such a pain in the ass!? i literally had to take a quiz to make sure that i knew i had to pay back the loan. um... duh? and they're only wanting to give me $5500. well, half of that is tuition and the other half MIGHT pay off my credit card bill. i've been getting the itch to move out again. but part of me wants to wait till a year or two after i graduate. i wanna PLACE... that's MINE. i wanna have some time to build my own furniture and make my own place really cool. eh, i dunno. i DO know that $5500 aint gonna cut it. especially if i'm going to scotland next summer. i wanna try and squeeze another trip to italy while i'm over there too.. but we'll see.
i think that's all i care to talk about for now.