TITLE: And after all, you're my...
sapphire_child FANDOM: Doctor Who
NOTES:I'm gonna copy/paste the warning
sapphire_child wrote before I go any further:
"So basically I’ve rated this one because of the sensitivity of the content. It doesn’t include character death but it DOES have somebody living and coping with a rather nasty illness that has a lot of potential to become terminal. Speaking from my own experiences of having had loved ones with terminal illnesses (read: cancer), I would probably be cool with reading this if it was written by somebody else. HOWEVER. You doubtless all have different experiences with diseases like this and I certainly don’t want to badly upset anybody needlessly so I think it only fair to give you plenty of warning. If you find yourself shying away from the idea of reading about a character (even if they are totally fictional) who is very sick and possibly heading towards terminal illness? This is probably not a good one for you to read."
But please, don't let this stop you from listening/reading. This fic is absolutely brilliant. It's gorgeous and sad and hopeful and a million other wonderful things. I don't record fic I don't love. If I didn't adore this fic, we wouldn't be here right now.
Here (at
then_theres_us )