The long and the short of it is that I need to stop promising things.

Feb 14, 2010 19:47

So this current state of fanfic constitutes a major fail on my part.
I really thought I'd be able to, you know, write 30,000 words in three months. I also thought I'd be able to write in a timely manner.
Clearly, as neither "The Wide Blue Yonder" nor "Cheesy on the Outside" have been updated these past few months, this didn't happen.
"Cheesy" and "Yonder" are still being worked on, but not at the pace that I'd like. So I'm starting small with this meme I shamelessly took from the lovely waldorph.

1. I write down a list of 10 characters.

2. You choose however many of those you like and ask me a question about them. Examples: "What happens when 5 and 9 are forced to take care of a baby?" or "1, 4, and 8 walk into a bar. What happens next?" or "What does 3 do when s/he finds out that 10 is pregnant with 7's child?" You get the idea. :D

3. I tell you about these scenarios!

Since I figure that about five people read this journal, it's something I'll be able to handle.

#whyamiusinghashtagsidontevenhaveatwitte, meme, #personalfail, fanfic

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