Oct 02, 2004 11:48
The Rise of Old Style
A while back I started the Randon Review, by awhile back I mean ober a year ago, it got decent response but after to posts I took a hiatus from LJ all together. Seeing as I have the time and the resources once again I figured why not start it back up. The one problem I am facing thus far though is that alot of people are either foreign and I can't read their language or they are "friends only." I find the whole friends only deal rather pointless when it comes to an online journal, I thought the whole purpose was input, sympathy, someone to tell you that indeed your life is as shitty as you say it is.
On to the Review:
Username: Ipris
Age: 26
Sex: ??
Location: New York, New York
(Based on 1 to 10 scale)
Interests: 5 (he/she doesn't list any, I have to respect that)
Background: 5 (a default background)
Icons: 7 (has Bender, men in space suits, and the word "assaulted.")
**Overall Review**
Based solely on the most recent entry I dig this journal, any update about smoking in the shower is generally favoured by me as I've done it numerous times. You would be suprised the lengths you'll go to to have a cigarette when you are running late for work. He/She seems to have endearing quirks that make his/her life worth following, but judging at the anonimity they try to keep through lack of listings I would say perhaps this journal is merely for the individual. I could however be wrong and they yearn for your comments, I doubt it though.
All in all, I think this is the first random journal I've read (which I read a lot to kill boredom, I enjoy the voyeaurism) that I actually enjoy. He/She isn't whiny, just lays it all out for you and everyone else to read, I like that, I wish I could be more that.