Sep 24, 2004 17:53
It has been a hectic past two weeks, everyday feeling like I am drowning, and for the most part the light at the proverbial tunnel still needs a squint to see. It's difficult to get into, a lot of resentment of the government for lack of assistance when it comes to working families, and a lot of resentment for myself for not being the atypical providing father. All of these issues seem to have come to head and since I don't wish to stress Rebecca I have little to nobody to talk to.
Screw Difficulty I Will Get Into It...
Apparently Rebecca and I make to much money to recieve assistance by way of day care or otherwise. This fact is laughable seeing as a household we barely bring in 24,000 a year, I don't know since when but I guess that makes us middle class, I wasn't informed of this otherwise I would have been trying to keep up with the Jones' this entire time. So that being said, we can't afford the 800 a month to put Jonah in day care when we work leaving Rebecca to work night and me to work days, the two of us passing like strangers in the night only to converse on the weekends.
and no we don't know of anybody to babysit, but if you do suggestions will be taken into consideration.
As for me as a "provider," well I stink. I make OK money, just enough to take care of things, but when sticks are thrown into spokes I fall on my face. We owe rent, I have a ticket I need to pay, electic, and telephone, the last being turned off a couple days ago luckily I was able to take care of it right away and get it back on. The only hope I have now is that Rebecca is back to work and money should be solid in a month or so, but I point out again sticks and spokes.
If you told me a couple years ago that I would be making 1200 a month I would've laughed with the endless spending oppurtunities my mind could come up with. Now 1200 is peanuts, even considering what making that resembles to the area I live in, cheap rent and so on. If I was back in Minneapolis I would be in the same boat I am now, scratching.
Keep grinding it out, borrowing from whoever will allow me to. Soon enough we will peak above the horizon... I hope. If that doesn't work I've been thinking about auctioning off naming rights for my body parts of e-bay, it seems just quirky enough to be a success.
I feel no better now that I have vented.