Letting go...

Dec 13, 2014 17:54

It shows the sad state of my life, that I've been thinking about this date for awhile. How the 2000s were so new. We got experience a 01/01/01 and so on. That's coming to an end. There's nothing I can do about it. I was watching something about a wedding the other day and I didn't feel the intense jealousy and resentment I usually go. I think I'd still like a child, but what would I do with a man? Having to share a bed with him after sex. Dealing with drinking eggnog, or smoking!, and trying to kiss me. Most of the men my age and older, are on their first marriage. I don't want that baggage. I don't do older men. My bloodline is dying and I don't care any more. I wish I could say I was a lesbian, but I'm not attracted to them sexually. Maybe I'm asexual. An asexual who likes lingerie and tugging on her nipples, but still...

Lately, I've been thinking about my funeral and what I would like to be buried in. Everyone is my life is so hopeless or doesn't care. I'm probably going to buy a dress and shoes and a tiara and put it in a ziplog and label it with my name and FOR MY FUNERAL. Yes, a tiara. So, people will think some guy gave it to me. Thor's wife got a castle from some dude. I'm tiara worthy. You are, too if anyone is reading this.

If I'm not dead, I'm epublishing a book before 2015 is over. I'm putting it here to stop himming and hawing. Get with it, loser.
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