I survived the "end of the world"

Dec 21, 2012 23:32

Despite some of the really apeshit crazy stuff I believe, I didn't believe the Mayan end of the world stuff. I must admit, I did get a little afraid when I woke up to howling dogs and howling wiinds. My umbrella broke, the skies were angry, and it did look like a good day to end it all.

I can't help but be haunted by those poor little dead babies from Connecticut. I keep thinking of that song "Youth of the Nation". Instead of taking a test, they took "two to the chest". I think of them and feel bad my life amounts to so little when their's has been snuffed out so early. Brenda told me the last funeral was today. I can't help, but wonder if it was for a child or an adult. We had a moment of silence for them today, but the children didn't understand. I'm kind of glad they didn't. God damnit! If you want to fucking kill your parents and kill yourself, just do it! Take the gun and shoot your mom, shoot your dad, and them suck that bitch until you die. Don't take all those innocent people with you. The children of Connecticut got a nice Christmas gift. :/

Work has been well. Rosa said today "We are family". Those hugs felt so good. No one wanted to let go. I didn't want to let go.
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