Shaggy's pants

May 15, 2012 22:35

When Adam and I were on break, I went out with this guy who reminded me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo. I'm not confessing this because I want redemption or feel bad. Me and Adam were fucked up to each other. So, this is minor. We only went out on one real date, but he went to my college, I wonder what in the fuck his major was (Maybe rocket science? He sure loved being high as a kite). So, we would often run into each other. We would take of various things. I could never really read him and when I could, he was mean and uncoth. I talked to him out of boredness. I wonder why he talked to me. Maybe he was bored. Maybe I looked like a panda while he was high? I have no clue and don't really care. I had a really cool experience and while, supposedly, the size of clothes get larger, I want to share this story. On our only "date", we go to the local mall. He informs me he needs new pants because he spent all of his money on a Calvin Klein peacoat. Long live the peacoat! Back to our story, he needs new pants. This guy is like 6'4 and about 110lbs. He tells me his weight, but I forgot. This was in like late 2009 or early 2010. Sherlock Holmes was in theaters. Being this tall and skinny, he can't find pants. All the pants for men are too big and all the pants for boys are too short for his legs. We look through all these stores. Looking for a size 20 or smaller. I think we found a 19, but it was still too big. Some great things about this whole ordeal were me and him looking through stacks of pants and getting stink eyes from store managers, a sales assitant asking us about the "child" who needed such small pants and pretending we were mother and son (that's always a sign a relationship is going nowhere), and him finding a pair of pants that fit at American Eagle (and getting denied store credit) and bitching because a quarter of an inch of his socks were exposed! O O As Shaggy, real name Matt, would say "I'll wing it!". So, when life gets you down, JUST FUCKING WING IT!

Next on my nostalgia trip is checks. The paper form of payment that's not money. Not the cereal that I don't really like but eat like a pig when offered some. I remember my first set of checks. My mom buying them for me. They were called "Zen" and had butterflies, dragonflies, a flowery thing, and a leaf pattern. Not on all the same check. The dragon fly was the best. Of course it was! It had a light blue background. Dog shit would look good on a light blue background. I remember eagerly waiting to write my first check. Checking the mail every day for my lone credit card bill, with it's HUGE limit of $250 ;), to come. I was gonna write me a check! XD A lot of things have changed, but from the moment I ripped that bad boy out, I was hooked. I loved the sound. I loved feeling so adult and accomplished as I finished. I still enjoy writing checks. I hope they never go extinct. I will kill myself. I have so little left to live for. :( Anyway, back on topic, I no longer have Zen. I got HELLO KITTY CHECKS! And a new checkbook. XD How ya like me now?! It's truly the end of an era.

It rained today. It never used to rain here so much. :( The rain always reminds of Adam saying how much it rained in Tampa. The rain reminds me of our first break up. My hair in a bun, the grey jacket I still have, and the rain. :( How, we'll never be together again. I miss him. He was the love of my life. :( I hate him. I want his last name and his cum to make a baby in my womb.

I want a tiara. I want to be a princess.

RIP Adam Yauch. Rock on in Heaven.
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