Bill And Gabe's Department Store Sex Tour

Sep 13, 2020 15:12

Hey there everyone!
I am coming out of hiding simply because I have a prompt for you all, and there's a story behind it.
So, I felt like I needed to write some smut the other day, so I turned around in Biology class and asked my friend Brian for a word. Guess what he said without knowing why he was giving me a random word? Pie.

This caused my other friend Zoe and I to come up with a list of foods and places in which Gabe and Bill could have sex... (hence the title) and, I realized if I wrote about 60 or so smutty fics it would get a little repetitive, so I decided to make a prompt, and here it is. Also, because there aren't enough public place sex stories out there.

To get people's creative minds going, I have typed up the lists that we came up with hoping that you will either choose one or the other (or both, both is good) and write a smutty fic about it. If there's something you really want on the list that you think is missing let me know. Also,  I am planning on putting them all in order (like tour dates obv.) and posting them sometime (IDC if you write more than one or if its suckish). So get those creative minds going or practice your smut if it's not that great!

Okay, some of these are a little gross, keep in mind we also asked random people in school to give us foods and places so we came up with some pretty weird shit.

The Kool-Aid Man (Its so counts)
Creamy Things ( eg : whipped cream / frosting)
Bubble Gum
Fruity Things
Jolly Ranchers
Hot Chocolate (with the little marshmellows)
Baby Bottle Pop
"Blow" Pops...
Hello Kitty Suckers
Tootsie Pops
Cheeze Itz

Target (in the bike section cuz no one goes there)
Borders / Barnes and Noble
Baby Gap
Payless Shoe Source
Byerly's (idk if that's how you spell it, but, it's some fancy grocery store.)
Cub Foods (In the back by all the school and cleaning supplies cuz no one goes there either)
Pet Smart (By the fish preferably, scaring all da little kids)
Calculator Factory
Abercrombie and Fitch (during the holidays when there's that half naked model standing outside the doors)
Your Local Library (stronger_now_x claims, but feel free to write about that one too)
Your Preschool (or Kindergarden, whatever)
The Kodak Theatre (where the Oscars are held)

Now to help you out I have posted a PieInTheApartmentSex!fic, so hopefully,  that works out a little.. it's not that great, but, oh well, I'm not horibbly creative with food.

Pie In The Apartment

(please try and title your fics like that to keep consistancy)

PS. Each different fic does NOT have to be related, but you can make it related to one if you want to.
I HOPE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA!! let me know!

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