April 20th, 2010: Even though it's been a week since I found out, I still can't get over it. I've been reading up more information on the fall off the Soviet Union. I've decided to make this journal and keep it with me, incase the chance to return home arises. I know I shouldn't attempt to tamper with time but... what if that American spy ends up foiling our plans?
If the Deities decide to seperate me from this journal, I atleast hope the Master's memory technique will work. But for now, I will write what I've learned so far.
[The next few pages' content covers a brief history of the Soviet Union from 1964-2010]
August 13th, 2010: The Sorrow has informed me that The Fury has been defeated by "Jack," also know as "Naked Snake." He is the American spy we have been warned about. The Sorrow believes The Boss will be defeated as well and Naked Snake will be successful in his mission.
But that cannot be. How can a single man defeat the heroes of World War I? Does that mean... that he will fight the Colonel as well? I do not want to believe it but after living with Colonel Volgin for such a long time, I know, despite his tremendous power, he is only human. If not careful, he could be killed...
I warned him. I always do. I told him not to become too confident. Will that be his ultimate downfall? I can only hope my worries do not become reality.
Also, I have come to realize that the American pig can't be operating on his own. Someone must be helping him from the inside... but who? Perhaps that bitch Tatyana... It would make sense, after all. She waltzes in and distracts the Colonel, the disgusting whore. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if she was a mole for Naked Snake.
When I return and read this, I will inform Yevgeny right away. They must be stopped.
October 11th, 2010: It appears Dist has left the city. It feels almost out of character to say that I will miss him... but he had a certain charm. Not to mention he was very gorgeous when he wasn't wearing those ridicious outfits.
I wish him the best of luck back in his world. Poor bastard needs it.