Aug 22, 2004 14:48
we get to Sharis and decide to sit in the "SMOKING SECTION"...we were first timer-s so it was scary, sorta ironic how the people in the smoking side were far more attractive than those who chose to not smoke and sit on the opposite side. Anyways, after ordering two items from the menu (a strawberry banana shake and a very small sampler) we finally get it at like 12:41. My pal who is also on "LJ", fallsonfloors notices that she knows one of two drunk boys that happen to also be seated across from us. Apparently she had class with him and she asked him why he always wore his backpack and he stated that it was because he carried a large quantity of drugs around at school. Anyways he was sorta lame, but his friend was quite interesting..he kept bribing to trade me a spoon for the something i was wearing. I refused......only thing was i was gonna end up looking like a CRACK WHORE, and that just isnt my thang. peace out bitches.