You are so cool. Seriously, that was the best comeback that I ever read, ever. You're a genius, how did you come up with that? Maybe I should start posting anonymously and hopefully I can be half as cool as you. You cool cat, you.
Ignore that comment. It made me laugh because that person asks how you passed English, yet they didn't put make the E capital, as you should with school subjects. Man I love people. They're so stupid that it's fun.
That sounds like a kick-ass weekend. We really need to spend more time together.
Comments 23
but, question: how did you pass english?
It made me laugh because that person asks how you passed English, yet they didn't put make the E capital, as you should with school subjects. Man I love people. They're so stupid that it's fun.
That sounds like a kick-ass weekend.
We really need to spend more time together.
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