Dream a little dream...

Dec 27, 2006 11:37

Lately I haven't been able to remember my dreams much, but last night was an exception. Not only could I remember them but they were very real, which isn't normal for me. As a matter of fact, I was so involved that the second I woke up, I was so awake that I couldn't get back to sleep for a few hours. Then I had another dream that was way too involved and woke up unable to function, because it was an hour before I was suposed to get up and I had recieved a grand total of 3 hours of sleep last night? I don't know about the rest of you, but I need my full 8 hours of sleep or I can't function well. (unless I'm powered by alcohol, thats different)

Dream 1 - I'm called into a rather illustrious hall, but its filled with trinkets and museum pieces. Whether cheap of expensive, new or old, all of them are kept behind glass and displayed. The feel of the room is a mix of cultures: viking, egyptian, greek, and all very high class. Judging from the look of the place, there are many floors and it seems almost like this is the centerpiece for a millionaire's hotel. There is a strange mix of people, all dressed nicely, but some are downright eccentric. I'm dressed in a more expensive version of popular goth gear. I'm pretty sure there was some sort of meeting, but I came late and missed it, probably on purpose. Someone who I can tell is a leader, possibly a father figure (in that I instinctually know I'm mildly rebelious against him, but care for him), walks over and starts talking with me. He puts his arm around me and we are talking small talk as he guides me to a certain section of the "museum". He takes me into a walk in area filled with african jewelry and trinkets, all hanging without individual attention, but enclosed in a little glass walk in closet together. I know the words were all clear when I was dreaming, but they are pretty lost now. He was speaking of a war between us and "them", fondling a spread of beaded necklaces. How it was picking up and I needed to be more careful. I gave a "yeah, yeah, I'll be fine" response.
There was more walking and eventually I left the building via some underground way that got me onto some kind of "T" like in boston. Though it was night thru the windows of the "museum", when the T got above ground it was blindingly daylight. I got off and inspected the front offerings of a little goth/industrial/post-apoc type store, goggles in particular. It's strange now that I say offerings, but thats exactly what it felt like. They weren't selling those to ME, they were offerings set upon an altar, even if the offering was a used set of goggles and the altar was a crate with an old basket on top. When I chose one, I felt ... more. I can't think of any other way to describe it. That was some excellent timing, though, as something started to happen then.
I felt drawn back to the T. I felt something calling me there, vaguely, and I followed it. Once I got on, I saw the man that didn't fit in. He was wearing an old white suit. His face was... insubstantial. I knew there should be a face there, but it was smokey... not quite THERE enough to be seen correctly. In each hand he held a skeletal hand with a few white pieces of straw coming off them, almost to look like a really bad duster. Once he saw me, all hell broke loose. He lunged for me in the crowded subway car, those skeletal hands sweeping out to hit my chest. I move back into the crowd and they touched someone unlucky enough to get in front of me. I felt him die before he reached the ground. Again and again the man in the white suit attacked me, missing everytime. Sometimes I grappled with his wrists, but mostly he would hit bystanders. All of them died. After 8 or so deaths it became obvious he was just trying to clear a better path to me by killing those around me. I made the doors open and backed out into the market area I had just been in. The fighting between us is very indistinct now, but I wounded him with some strange weapon and he ripped the small silver coffin off my neck that I bought in real life recently. The man in the white suit then flew out over the bay/river(?) and I threw something black and shortsword like into his back. As he went down he dropped my coffin pendant and I flew up a bit before diving in after it.
There were a great many things floating in the water, many looking like the pendant, but I knew which one was mine. I seemed hesitant as I went deeper and finally pulled at the pendant with my mind, pulling it to me. As fast as I could I breached the surface of the water and sought to gain distance between the water and I. Ten feet up, however, black chains shot out from the water and pulled the pendant from my grasp and a second time I went into the water after it. A human that wore the grey upper half of skull mask and alot of chains swam thru the water like a squid. It had my pendant. I couldn't take it from him, but perhaps I could bargain with him... swimming close (danger flashed as I did this seemingly unthinkable thing) and asked it to come above the water line so that we might talk. Suprisingly, it agreed.
When our heads came out of the water I woke up, adrenaline pumping and practically diving for a weapon. Black shapes and skeletal figures were all standing and staring at me in the other room of my apartment. I stared them down through the doorway, hoping that they were just a leftover from my dream, but not quite sure. They left, rather than faded. I didn't get back to sleep for hours.

Once I calmed down, the dream made me think about American Gods.

Dream 2 - Not nearly as in depth, I was a homeless kid and a junkie. With all the stories about junkies I keep hearing, I'm not suprised it came up in a dream. Another very real dream, though. I was in a small gang of homeless youths in some project. Okay, I'm actually really tired of typing so this is gonna go quick. We did something wrong. Something really wrong and had to escape from some building as the police and other people were chasing us down. We all got away and met on the roof of an abandoned church. We talked a bit about how they were going to keep looking for us. I wasn't really paying attention, but then we heard police sirens and everyone scrambled. I got down to the ground with another person in my group, and he started feeding me all these drugs. Shortly after I realized that I just got volunteered to be the scapegoat for my gang. Too drugged to do anything about it, I went off and made as much noise as possible before I was brought down to the ground. Thats when I realized how much my arm hurt, as I guess I was sleeping on it wrong. Sit in bed and stare at the ceiling too exhausted to move but too wired to go back to sleep.
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