Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score CategoryYour ScoreAverageHacklust7.55%
Slew entire Asgardian Pantheon with one hand while blindfolded53.5% Sensitive Roleplaying13.92%
There is no player. There is only.... Zuul. 54.7%GM Experience40.58%
Puts the players through the wringer 69.4% Systems Knowledge82.06%
Played in a couple of campaigns 90.4% Livin' La Vida Dorka32.18%
Carries dice in pocket 'just in case'63.4% You are 40.52% pure
Average Score: 68.8%
Take The Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Test
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)
I are a sad panda now.
On reflection, let me lay some blame.
Hacklust - I blame you most of all, Ryan. Though I can also blame Brian, Corbin, and Jon.
Sensitivity - I have to blush and blame Sean, JAR, Ed,
jesterlou, surprisingly Corbin, and Eri.
GM Experience - Anyone that's ever been in one of my Star Wars games. You poor bastards.
Systems - No one to blame but myself.
La vida - Umm. Ditto.