Nov 29, 2006 15:43
So, the joys of home ownership continue. I look a bit like a tree exploded on me. Not because of anything so mundane. No, I've been working on getting 4.5 out of 6 walls painted with two coats of a nice, dark yet brilliant green paint. Now, by saying 4.5, I mean that there are lots of little walls in the room. And I have to figure a way to move everything along the half-wall and open wall so I can get the paint on that... which would be easier if there wasn't a desk and computer, filing cabinet, and such in the way. On the plus side, I did manage to get my books out of the way of the other walls, so... here's hoping.
Also hoping I have enough paint to finish the job.
My days have been going pretty normal (too much to do, too little time) and tomorrow I start a lovely 7 day work week including a commute to Pensacola for teaching two days, and normal working the other 5 days. The paint, though a water based acrylic, can be a pain to get off of cuticles.
On a completely off-beat note, painting naked makes clean up easier than you'd think.
Livejournal beats watching paint dry... though I note that many people I think well of are having a tougher time than I've been going through. My thoughts are with you, good things and hopes for improvement in all your lives. In the meantime, I need to go explode some more tree all over my wall.
In short, be well, endure, and things will go wonderfully. The power of positive thinking and all that.