
Sep 21, 2006 12:06

Well, after a long boring drive, an interesting bit of looking around the base (I swear I saw blackhawks, and things were blowing up a little while ago... not to mention the sound of massive props to fall asleep by...), dinner at J R Rockers, and a decent night's sleep, I'm here.
And by I, I mean me. Because Ivyriver has been here since around 0730, in her uniform and ready to report in. (BTW, it *IS* possible to look damn sexy in BDUs. Believe it!)

Well, my internet access is limited because we're in the temporary lodging facilities, but I can check every now and then. Not that I have anything to do until the 15th of October. Well, anything except for finding a house, helping keep Ivy sane, and the usual. No work, anyways. I'd be happy if I had meant to not work until the 15th, and if it wasn't costing me money for two weeks worth of my higher management's screw ups.

But... we're alive, we're here, we'll be a'ight.

moving, emotion, travel

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