Aug 11, 2006 00:48
So I was reading a letter to the editor last week that said something like... "Does taking off our shoes really increase security? The answer should be obvious."
Yeeeeeah. It should be fucking obvious. Richard Reid. The Bojinka Plot. This business in London. The shutdown in Houston-Hobby. Yes, it can increase security. Because people don't like to look at shoes. We don't want to smell your feet. But you can put a hell of a lot in your shoe soles, or under the insole, or sew them into the lining.
And if it's to the point where we have to worry about liquids, gels, slurries, pastes, creams... Well, fuck. Everytime we come up with some new technology, some new procedure, the black hats (whomever they are, and no, they're not all Muslim) will come up with some way to try to circumvent it.
Our approach isn't perfect. But it at least makes it harder, and if they make any mistakes, we gain a much better chance to find them. Because of what I do know, all I can say is that the bad guys are working at ways to thwart us actively, and to thwart intelligence gathering against them. Anything we can do to make it harder prolongs my lifespan, and that of anyone flying. Some of it sucks... some of it sucks a lot. I don't like seeing the face of someone that is watching the TSA take upwards of $500 worth of liquid base, lip liner, mascara, eye shadow, age-defying creams, bleaching creams, etc. But we make it hard for the terrorists to carry premade explosives on the plane, they will try to find a way to make the explosives on the plane. (I think the foiled plot was an energy drink mixed with some gel; I don't know the chemistry or details, but I'm sure it could work.)
There is technology in the works that may even prevent this kind of attack, but it's just too uncertain to me. We can mix a fuck load of things to make something that will go boom. I don't know if we'll ever be able to do much more than make it "hard". Even following the UK's route (NO carry-ons, except for absolutely essential items (medication, wallets, keys) in a clear plastic bag) we can't guarantee that someone can't find a way around the system. Fortunately, today a lot of people were more sympathetic with the cause of searches. Bombing attempts seem to encourage empathy... next week, it may be back to normal. ("Why the fuck are you searching me? I'm not a terrorist! Now just make sure you get all those bastards behind me, I don't trust them!")
So yeah, work was fun. I'm just glad this time I wasn't woken up to watch the second plane hit. That's probably the worst wake up call I remember.