No, this is not the good times virus. This is a bit of chat.
First, I saw X-Men III: The Last Stand. Now, I don't know the comics as well as some people (*cough, cough,
jesterlou, cough*). But it did mash together several things from the comics and broke timelines, stories, and the ebb and flow of the comic arcs. In fact, there were crappy mutants that had no business there, and there were missed opportunities for them to introduce more known mutants. Hale Berry didn't ruin the movie. Storm was in fact somewhat cooler than in the other films, although I'm not sure about the chopped hair or her apparent relaxation. Rogue did not eat Ms. Marvel or any other random generic mutant with superstrength and flying. In fact, she took her character in a different, yet understandable from a character point of view, direction. Wolverine was Wolverine, and much the same for the rest. Well, Scott Summers (Cyclops) seemed far too emo, but Jean Grey *did* die last time around. Speaking of, the Phoenix arc was somewhat interesting, but disappointing if for nothing else but the complete lack of any phoenix graphical effects. (Flames, water, SOMETHING could have taken a shape to clearly delineate that yes, Ms. Grey, is a badass bitch.)
Several things happen. People die. There is a massive war. Kelsey Grammar actually pulls off Beast wonderfully. (Certainly, his personality is quite a fit, but I wondered about the body. Shouldn't have worried that much.) Juggernaut was wonderful. The new mutants that really were nothing but mixings of the other ones... not so much.
Now, if you take the movie as nothing more than an extension of the X-Men movies, it wasn't bad. I actually quite enjoyed several parts of it. Sure, there was a mystically healing wifebeater shirt, but you expect that on Wolverine. Sadly, the yellow spandex was again missing.
Overall, I like it. I expect some people will have differing opinions, and the movie experience was much like Episode I but about half the line and crowd, no characters. Yet still very good feelings. I half expected to see the Lucasfilm logo following the 20th Century Fox drums.
Also, much fun chilling with everyone. And Denny's with
treemonkey75 seemed nice, although I think we were both half asleep and I'm not sure if I was excessively boring or not. The week has been good, overall, I think.
Oh, and also, Happy Date of Legality to