Title: List of reasons for why Sakito hates Ni~ya
Pairing: Ni~yaxSakito
Rating: PG (I think)
Disclaimer: I do not own either of them, but hey, dreaming is still tax free isn't it?
Author's notes: My first time posting a fanfiction on livejournal D: ah, and not beta-d nor english is my first language.
Summary: Probably it's what the title says :B
Sakito hated Ni~ya.
Sakito hated how jealous the bassist made him feel when he was sharing his smile with someone else.
Sakito hated how envious he made him feel about the dorama actress’ curly hair because the bassist complimented it casually while watching TV or about the other members’ ability to read any kind of expression the bassist made with thin lines of his face while he couldn’t.
Sakito hated him because every time he touched him he felt all hot and bothered inside, because he would forget anything once Ni~ya’s hand reached for his body and Sakito hated forgetting things.
Sakito hated when Ni~ya’s lips touched his, because they make him lose himself inside and make his eyes all foggy until he gives up and closes them.
Sakito hated Ni~ya’s ability to make him undress like magic had happened, once Ni~ya laid hands on him, his clothes would come off without him noticing it, that’s just how a good magician Ni~ya was.
Sakito hated the whimpering mess he’d become once trapped underneath Ni~ya’s body and heat, under strong hands and powerful thrusts, sending his body in an overload of pure pleasure.
Sakito hated Ni~ya, because he’d leave in the morning. Sakito was used to sleeping alone, but somehow he could never get enough of Ni~ya’s warmth when they slept on the same bed.
Sakito hated when Ni~ya pretended that nothing had ever happened, it hurt him like something he never felt before, but he’d never tell Ni~ya about that pain and how much he hated that pain in his chest.
Sakito hated Ni~ya because he’d play with girls on bar nights with Ruka like he had played with Sakito himself and Sakito couldn’t do anything but watch.
Sakito hated Ni~ya because he told him their nights together would cease to happen and Sakito hated to hate that decision and blame himself for it.
Sakito hated Ni~ya because the bassist made him cry all alone in the dark and Sakito had never cried in his whole life before him. Sakito was now sobbing, not knowing what to do with his trembling form on the floor.
Sakito hated Ni~ya for making him create expectations, now he was all alone with no Ni~ya to console him with gentle kisses or embrace him and make him laugh like the blonde had the gift to do.
Sakito hated Ni~ya, because Ni~ya was a trickster so he always knew the right strings to pull on his heart and Sakito couldn’t help but to fall right into his trick and play along, hurting himself more and more.
Sakito hated Ni~ya because he loved him and he knew Ni~ya would never feel the same.