I am still terrible at checking livejournal to see what my friends are up to. I miss the days when we all used to pour our thoughts out into enteries here. Where we had conversations that were easy to follow, not made up of reblogged posts or private messages like it is on tumblr
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I've recovered from my bout of low feelings. I find that under immense amounts of stress, I eventually reach a low and have to be reminded that I am doing the best that I can with my abilities. Self-confidence is something I struggle with from time to time as I constantly enjoy supporting others. But it is draining and I need propping up every now and then.
I teach first grade now so I have yet to figure out how to incorporate my fandom passions into my teaching. Unless you count my Elrond impersonation which is really more of a George Washington is not amused with your antics impersonation. Or is it imitation? They like my Sting earrings though (I wear those and my Mjolnir earrings on days I need to feel powerful)!
But I am glad that you think so highly of me. It's reassuring to know that how I am in person comes across the written form of a blog as well. It's one thing to be told by a supervisor that I am warm and engaging, it's another to have a person I have only corresponded with over the internet to say the same thing. (Perhaps I have more mastery over the English language than I thought!)
I still might try to learn Spanish but I have found that very few of my students know it or speak it despite it being marked as their home language.
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