Jun 09, 2010 16:52
Right uh developments in the life of Jess!
-MY MONEY FINALLY CAME! It took way too fucking long but FINALLY I have received my last two paychecks from Interac and it is mine and is in an account and is usable. I was a bit bitter for a moment when I realized I probably lost money in the way I chose to receive them but my brother cheered me up by saying I probably would have lost more the other way, especially if there is a limit on how much money can be sent out via wire transfer. And because they are a shit company. YOU HEAR THAT WORLD. INTERAC FUCKING SUCKS AND BLOWS AND NO ONE WITH A SHRED OF SELF WORTH SHOULD WORK FOR THEM. THAT ENTIRE COMPANY SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR THE SHIT THEY PULL.
-Josh and I are working hard on our new workout regime! It's actually fun but it's fun because we do it together. And I was like HELL YEAH I TOUCHED THE FLOOR this morning and then I pulled something in my lower back. DX It is aching. Not like unbearable pain but it's like goddammit! DX
-I applied for a job? Not sure if I'll get it or not. I know I need to be more active about this job search...
-Oh! Lollapalooza single day tickets are available now. I am considering going August 8th only because it is X Japan, and yes they will be on stage for all of one hour. Question is, do I fly in that morning, then fly back that night? They play at 4PM and you know if all I am doing is going for them, I just need to be there in time to see them. I don't really want to pay for a hotel or lug luggage somewhere for it... Any advice on what to do about this would be appreciated.
-Oh! I registered for Otakon btw! I will probably be rooming with Sarah and her mom - SARAH, MAKE SURE THIS IS OKAY PLEASE? Um...not sure what cosplay I will do...I mean I got...an America wig...so I am like I WANNA BE AMERICA but he has all kinds of costumes, and you could even make up your own costumes for him so I am like WHAT TO DO?!
-On another note, I really want to go to Canada for Canada Day, specifically Ottawa so I can live out my dream of getting a picture taken with a mountie. Plus the Queen will be in town and I gotta represent us Americans by waving the good old stars and stripes at her. Ok, no I am kidding I wouldn't do that. But I will go YEAAAAAAH CANADAAAAAAAAAA WOOOOOOOOOO and embarrass all the other REAL Canadians. So...how do I get to Ottawa for cheap? Canada Day is July 1st by the way and my friend in New Jersey is having an awesome summer parteh July 2nd - 5th. So I gotta get up to Ottawa, then back down to New Jersey... any advice on this would be totally appreciated.
-The other day I visited a second cousin of mine, though he is three times removed. He was born in Landau, Germany. When he was 12, he was sent to the US via the HIAS program. He is one of 1000 children that were evacuated before the Nazis could get them. His sister came over, and so did his mother. His cousin, Fred - who I used to visit a lot - also made it over and they met again in the army. His father, a veteran of WWI who was proud to be German, died in Auschwitz. His grandmother was killed in France, along with many other Jewish people. He enlisted in the US army and served in WWII as an interrogator of German POWs, then in the Korean War, briefly in an incident in Panama, and in Vietnam. He served 30 years - started out infantry and left a colonel. That's as high as a civilian can go, supposedly. He was a parachuter, and a part of counter intelligence. He lived for 3 years in Tokyo, right across from the Imperial palace. He still remembers his Japanese address, and a few phrases. His wife loves to cook Japanese food - she came with him to Japan and then Korea, I think they met in St. Lois. He had a ton of amazing stories, and is still very healthy for a man of his age. And his home was full of wonderful objects...things that speak of a life well lived, and well traveled. They also had a cute cat called Lilly.
I guess the point of this is that I have very mixed feelings when it comes to the Holocaust. I am removed by time from it, and yet I am related closely to it because members of my extended family suffered, and died, all because of genocide. It makes me angry, makes me think its unfair that people should want so badly to hurt others who are different in just the tiniest of ways. I don't blame the Germans. I think that is pointless. I've been to Germany, and I have German friends. I think Germany is awesome and so are the people. They already say sorry for this all the time, and I appreciate that, but this hate on Germany has got to stop. I can hate the Nazis though. But I can't hate the Germans for this. We'd probably do the same thing here in America - and I am pretty sure we did. We sent all the German Americans and Japanese Americans to our own concentration camps because we didn't trust our own citizens. So there's no need to blame a nation of people for something that only one part of their population did.
And it makes me think "Let Israel do as it pleases. I'm sick and tired of people ganging up on the Jewish race, and it's about fucking time we showed them how it feels." But I also, consciously, do not want the people in Israel to kill Palestinians. I want them to work with them because this whole...fight over the Holy Land is ridiculous. God and Allah and all the prophets and Jesus - all these people who are spiritually revered would want their followers to get along and share the space. I see no problem with a mosque being next to a temple and next to a church. But that's me. I want there to be peace there, but I know it will never happen because people are people and for centuries this is one thing they've never agreed on.
-Since I am going on about sort of political matters, I have no qualms with that shooting at the border. Throwing stones at border patrol guards, with the intent to harm the guards, is dangerous. Do you expect the guards will just take that shit? No, they will try to get you to leave, and if you are being overly aggressive, you might get shot at. Don't fuck with the border patrol. If you want into America, fine, come in, and come in legally. But if you're gonna lie, cheat, run the border, and be all illegal about, get the fuck out of my country. If we catch you, we will throw you back to Mexico. I like Mexican food, I want to know more about Mexican culture, but I do NOT want their people coming over illegally, and then complaining when we tell them - IN SPANISH BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH - that they're breaking the law and have to go back to Mexico. It pisses me off. Yes, America is an immigrant nation. Yes, we are proud of that. But we also have a history of CUTTING OFF IMMIGRATION. We get tired of it sometimes when the immigrants don't follow the already established rules. If you keep breaking the law, we might get so fed up we will close our border to Mexico. Would you like that? Do you want that? You want us to build a wall, or put the national guard there to make sure no one even tries to come in or go out? I don't want that. So stop fucking around.
-Also, oil spill. Just...ugh. Okay? UGH. It pisses me off and I can't really do anything about it because everything is being done but still. It's frustrating. I hope things get better sooner than later.
I'm sorry if any of the above offends anybody. If you think I am evil, then defriend me. But I got my view points and my opinions, and I will voice them here in my LJ. If you comment saying I am wrong, I'll just delete your comment okay? I'm just expressing my emotions. And I'm not going to go out and kill no one or take part in anything.
Right, I need to go see Lady Gaga's new music video and the season finale of Glee.
ok day,
x japan,