Jul 31, 2009 13:54
So I haven't done it in a while but there are things I have been trying to sell and I rearranged how I was storing them this morning and I pulled out everything that wasn't in English.
So I am wondering, these Japanese magazines, manga, CDs, and DVD, should I just take them all back to Japan and take them to a used store, or should I try to sell them in a lot sale or something here on LJ?
If you think there is a market on LJ or craigslist for Japanese manga, Japanese magazines, and JRock related items (CDs, DVD, bags, photobooks, and magazines) let me know. If not, it's all going to Japan with me and I am getting rid of it there. =/
Though I was hoping to sell the JRock stuff to fans outside of Japan.
So opinions please!
Ok let me clarify something here, as I haven't and I should.
The things I am talking about? Have been through 3 or 4 sales here on LJ.
I have put them up in general genre selling communities.
For example, I have a few Gackt things for sale right? I post them up in garagesalejapan and stuff sells. But some things haven't. I have dropped prices before, yes. Some things just won't sell. So I have tried general communities, just not specific communities. And I haven't tried ebay yet.