This report is solely TEXT. Images will be in their own post. If you want me to repost this/post links anywhere, let me know and I will. (Yes, it will be up on
love_dynamics later, but with the photos in the same post I think.) You can tell your friends to read it if you really want to. XD; And if there is weird grammar/horrible spelling/bad word choice, please tell me and I'll fix it. Or try to. Enjoy<3 Also, keep in mind this is all based on memory and is a personal report, so no it is not a professional made-for-reading-on-radio-republishing-in-magazine report. If there are other reports about this solo event out there, do try to read them. I doubt there is video, but it never hurts to check youtube or nikoniko douga. Also, this is all based on memory, so he may or may not have said things like I wrote them - he may say something different in the future, or has in the past. Do not take this report to be an official statement on his part - I don't work for him.
I don't remember when we got up but we did and headed over to Denny's for food before making our way to Yokohama. I felt pretty bad but I stuck it out and Mimika was patient with me. We got lost twice because the train staff weren't helpful and neither was Toshi's website. We finally found the damn place. It was in a nice location and the mall itself was quite nice. We found out from mall staff where in the mall the event was and went there.
Unfortunately there was no seating left by the time we got there so we had to stand. We also had to wait a bit for it to start. We had come for the 5 PM event - he had another one at 3PM which apparently Riku attended which resulted in him being pulled onstage at the time. After a while, Toshi did show up. He kind of appeared out of nowhere - I think his fans just don't mob him or go bat shit crazy so it seems like he's not there one second and there the next without any fuss.
I personally thought this outfit and hair suited him better than the X Japan ones. He looked very very handsome and very very tired. XD; He took a seat and started talking. He told us he was tired because of the X Japan concerts, and that "talking was a pain in the ass." He was "like Pata, I don't have the will power to speak. Just don't feel like it." Which earned him laughter and applause to which he said "Please don't clap. I'm not doing stand up comedy." His sense of humor, regardless of how tired or raw his throat, is always intact and in full force. He is a funny guy who is straightforward - man doesn't sugarcoat anything!
He took frequent water breaks, which he needed considering his throat. He explained what he's do - sing a few songs and answer questions. He then explained "Arigatou no uta" - a song Kaori (aka WANKU) has been working on. I'm not sure if it'll be another duet song or another new single for here, for him, for T-EARTH...either way it is a new song that him and Kaori have worked on. It's made with the idea of thanking and giving back the emotional support they've received over the years from friends, family, and fans. It's a song of thanks, for many people, to many people, and about many things.
After explaining what went into the song, how it was made, and how he felt about it, he performed it. It is a very pretty and thought I've heard it only once, I like it a lot. I think you can download it off his official download site. For having a sore throat, he sounded wonderful to me - but I am biased. XD; He might have gone scratchy on some notes though.
There was a break where he whetted his throat and then sat back down to answer fan questions. By the way, he does all the speaking - there is no one else so he announces what'll happen next himself.
The first one was about the after parties for X Japan concerts - as in did he go to any. He said he didn't last night because he had work (this event) the next day. He'll attend press parties, like the other members, but he's not a big drinker and tends to be too busy (or tired I think) to make more than a brief appearance. He joked that Pata and Yoshiki might still be sleeping the party off since they are the drinkers and probably aren't as busy.
The second question was asked by a very young man and stumped him. "When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?" Toshi spent a while just repeating the question since he had to really think about it and he told the boy that he had asked a "hard question." He said that it all started because he "likes singing not because he wanted to be a singer." In his fourth year of elementary school, he bought a guitar so he could learn how to play his favorite songs. They didn't have karaoke boxes so he had to accompany himself if he felt like singing. He also practiced the piano more. In 6th grade, or 5th grade, Yoshiki got a drum set so he would go over to Yoshiki's and they played their favorite songs together. He really wanted an electric guitar but he only had a folk guitar at his house; Yoshiki had an electric one so he'd pick away on the guitar - there wasn't an amp - while Yoshiki banged away on the drums. When they got to middle school, they decided to make a band. Another boy was on vocals while Yoshiki was on drums and Toshi was on guitar. But a new middle school was built and the school boundaries changed; their vocalists switched schools. So they discussed what to do, since they were down to two people. Yoshiki couldn't be the singer - it was impossible (it is hard to sing and drum at the same time) so Toshi decided to give it a try and he became the vocalist. He's been a singer ever since. So he didn't set out to be one, he just ended up as one.
I was so glad he explained that, even though it's probably been said before. It explains why he's as good as he is (or was) at guitar and piano. It also reveals how he never had high aspirations and really believes in doing what you want to do because you want to, not just for fame or profit. And I love hearing about his past.
He took another break to drink some water. A little kid, way in the back, started going "Tooosshiii!!" like when a kid calls for their parent in that impatient way, and Toshi said into the microphone "What~<3?" like a very patient, loving parent. "Toooshhiii!!" "What~<3?" It happened twice and was the cutest, sweetest thing I had ever witnessed. EVER. It's a real shame he doesn't have his own children. After he got his water, he took one last question.
A woman got to ask the last question. She thanked him first and foremost and congratulated him on the X Japan concerts going well - he in turn thanked her because her voice was raw- and told him she was very thankful for their reunion and that she had cried when they broke up, especially over the rumors that he and Yoshiki hated each other for 10 years afterwardjcyarigne - he interrupted her to tell her not to cry now as she did sound close to tears - and finally asked him, in a very polite, careful, roundabout way if he had seen the other members during those ten years, and, as far as he could without going into private matters, tell us what happened between him and Yoshiki during that time. He said, excluding private matters, that he didn't see any of hem very much due to work. He saw Heath the most - they went out to eat often. He rarely saw or heard from Pata. As for Yoshiki, minus the private matters, it was a matter of busy, conflicting schedules. They couldn't meet very often and Yoshiki mainly being in L.A. didn't help. But they handled it like adults (it being any supposed problems they had with each other and their work schedules) and found the time to get together.
He said it was like nothing had changed. They were still the same guys, the same friends that they were 10 years ago. And from that meeting they decided to get X back together. That they want to do things together. To continue doing things together.
Three years ago, Toshi would have never answered a question like this. Last year, he might have but wouldn't have gone into as great a detail as he did I think. That woman worded it perfectly, and was fortunate to have asked when he was in a good but tired mood. I was seriously so glad he answered it. Even if it is cementing ToshiXHeath as a possible pairing in my head. Just...I always wanted to know what happened, and to have this bit of information satisfies my curiosity.
With the Q&A corner over, Toshi went on the explain how he went about making "Taisetsuna mono." He talked about his "Utatabi" days, where old men and women weren't phased by him being a celebrity, how they were moved by his voice and songs, thanking him, shaking his hand. Things like that, made him wonder what was and is important to him and wanting to make others think and realize what's important to them and to help them find their way in life - to encourage them, and lend them support. In general, things he had already said about the song. XD; He then sang it.
"Taisetsuna mono" has grown on me and it really is nice live. He just has a beautiful voice. The song shows off his ability to SING and 'shout.' The song itself is easy to understand and gets stuck in my head. But I do get tired of it instantly playing whenever I visit his websites. XD;
After the song was over, his very minimal staff set up a table where you could buy his CDs. If you spent 4500 yen, you could get it signed and shake his hand. You KNOW I did it. He signed the CD I bought, and fliers (they gave us fliers) and shook my hand. I worked up enough courage to tell him to "Please say hello to your wife" to which he responded with a "Thank you." His eyes...he makes me nervous. Like not because he looks mad (he did look tired as hell) but because his eyes look straight into you and through you. They're intense, even behind sunglasses.
I think it was a good event. It lasted maybe an hour. Maybe his fans didn't freak out because they were tired, he was tired, and when people are tired, they don't go nuts. I also think they know he wouldn't appreciate it. Toshi is a very nice man, with a good sense of humor, but h exudes a...seriousness that reminds me of very old fashioned men or fathers. You don't mess with him. I also think he has a lot of charisma, and that his body language is very strong. He just...comes off as a very strong person. Like...there's just something...physical, that you can feel, when he walks into a room. aura I guess. A very strong aura, presence.
I think he also mentioned what he was up to - the current songs he's working on with Kaori, T-EARTH, Riku, current collaborations. Aside from those 3 questions, he had talked about everything else before or I've read it before so that's why I didn't sum it up very well. >_>; I vaguely recall "Daichi wo shizumete" being about a trip to India, that he went on with Kaori. How they saw so many impoverished children - kids who had no homes, no schools, all because of natural disasters and the lack of financial support from the government. I think the song is about their thoughts and emotions from that trip, and how we should help each other, and help children, and help the Earth - the usual Toshi healing stuff. I am sure he has and will mention it elsewhere.
After the event, Mimika and I shopped and ate at the mall. It was fun but my body crapped out on me. By the time we got back to Asakusa to do karaoke with her pals Val and Christian, I couldn't talk and I had a fever. I would have been better company if I hadn't gotten so sick.
I took comfort in the fact that Toshi felt just as shitty but had to go to work and he's a singer. But I felt fine when I saw him - I think its because I adore him so much that I forget about my own conditions and focus all my attention on him. Mimika said I lit up. I don't doubt it. He's the only man to have ever made my heart race with nerves - and I get up and teach large classes of kids every day. My job by itself is nerve wracking, and I never get bothered by it. I guess seeing someone you admire so much, and being very close, and touching them, and speaking to them is completely different.