Feb 10, 2009 17:31
Sleep? What is this SLEEP you speak of?! DX
Apparently, I was so cold, I made my elbows sore because I had them wrapped around me so tightly. I really hate that you can't have a heater on here 24/7.
Special Ed: It went alright. I didn't realize that four animal names would be hard to remember but they are. They only ever remembered dog, followed by cow when I said it as if I was a cow. Pig and cat were still confusing. But they had fun and that's what mattered.
First Grade: This one boy, who is not good at studying apparently, took it upon himself to be my aide all through class. Which was cute if unnecessary. He even went over the flashcards when the principal decided to review them. He has very good pronunciation, even if he has to ask me each time what the words are. This is apparently impressive due to his lack of studying abilities and because the principal regrets having forgotten all the English he's ever learned. He says if it's fun, because I'm here making it fun, with my pronunciation, that the kids will remember. That might be true but I also think if they don't use it, they will forget it.
But hey, I like getting praised.
Fourth Grade: Sooo the game I tried really was over their head...it's hard to explain in Japanese, for me anyway. But this was also the bad class. I'll have to see if I can change it some more so that it is simpler...
Sixth Grade: The lesson went well. Granted we sort of rushed through 13 place names, they're all really good at directions as far as Simon Says goes. Which is the important part. If they can remember the words "book" "buy" "where?" they can find out, or give directions in English.
Lunch was spent with bad fourth grade class, though good class thought I was going to their class. >_> Sorry. But the kids, aren't so bad when they're just being kids. The girls can be a real riot. We did a lot of piggy back rides, though they had to jump because I am tall and I have an ass twice the size of any normal Japanese person, so it was more akin to riding a HORSE than you know, an adult's back. The new first graders (as of April) were visiting today, to get a feel for the school, so of course someone's little sister came in to visit. I carried her around too, as did her sister, though she wasn't too fond of me. But that's because she doesn't know me. Mom eventually showed up to take her back. Some of the girls and I practiced shaking our hips. XD; Oh kids. We then drew on the board and went to the media room where we played tic tac toe and drew on the white board.
I don't normally play with the kids but when I do, I do enjoy it. Because...I don't know. Maybe because we're just both being ourselves?
After that I was FREEEEEEE so I started translating the Toshi article in Rock and Read 023. Let me tell you, translating by HAND, takes time. I only have like.....one paragraph done after like...an hour of working on the whole article. But I did get interrupted a lot - I'm popular as far as conversation goes. (Also, magazines use a different set of words that I'm not used to. It's a lot different from Toshi's posts about snow or something.)
Kids are still out sick. Colds = black plague. I think I might be getting sick of milk but I hate seeing it go to waste.
Bought groceries on the way home. My amazon order and hide coat should come today. XD;
My claims went through on my insurance - good god is my credit card full of like...credit I can spend before I even have to make a payment. (Like when you pay too much? I wish they would just shove the extra into my savings instead...maybe I can get my mom to do something like that by withdrawing money off the card? I don't know.)
The weather was nice today.
I had the urge to watch "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls on youtube. I then sort of imagined Yoshiki like, driving around LA, singing in his car to this, bobbing his head as he makes a left. Or something. Because you know. It'd be funny. If I was really evil, I could see Kaori singing this with her girlfriends. But that feels wrong because she's really really cute and I don't even know if she could harbor such thoughts. But then Yoshiki singing it isn't much better...if he did it while he had a COLD, now that would be funny.
...if hide sang it, he'd change the girlfriend to boyfriend and probably get his freak on with some saucy ladies. Or something. Somehow, songs about sex/hotness, remind me of hide. But then I always thought his overly baggy clothes reminded me of Missy Elliott.
Sorry I just took a break to eat dinner hahaha.
Um...yeah, so I guess that's my day in a nutshell. Tomorrow is a national holiday so yea break in the middle of the week! I DID get Friday off so I am very glad to be able to relax over a semi long weekend. I will need the sleep.
And that's it! FOR NOW. 8X
good day,