Oct 03, 2008 23:42
My left knee and ankle are protesting mightily. Sleep will hopefully cure the pain.
Four classes today, all of which went well I think. Explaining checkers takes time but the kids really liked it. It feels good to hear the kids go "ENGLISH WAS FUN TODAY." They also like songs. Good thing I like to sing.
However, it did NOT feel good to have developing breasts pressing into my arm when I was being hugged. I love my kids, but I do not need to feel certain things. DX
After discussing the recent fishie activities of my Yochan and Tochan with Hasegawa (who was very amused that I named them after my favorite people of all time), I bought a real fish tank for them. It has pebbles, a fake plant, a real plant, an air filter with pump, and a lid...I have the lid on just to keep dust and such out of their water and to protect them from like my flying spit or something. Anyway, they seem very happy and that makes me happy. Their stuff didn't cost all that much, which made me even happier. Should they pass away before I leave Japan, I'll donate their items to the school. I'm not sure I would want new fish...even if I might become lonely again. Oh! And I have a heater for them too! It's still pretty warm out in my opinion, but if it becomes any cooler, I might stick it in and turn it on. It'll be good for winter at least.
In other news, Yoshiki was on tv again. He's raiding Toshi's closet. White shirt, scarves...yeah. He was however very charming and pretty and devoured rice balls like a fiend. He is starved for rice I guess. His chewing face is really cute. He gets chipmunk cheeks.
It never fails to impress the hosts that he's known Toshi since they were wee little boys running around in frocks, and that they started a band at the tender age of 12~13. I guess it's not normal - okay it isn't. Especially as their only time apart was those ten years of egos subsiding, self-exploration and discovery, recovery, and general maturing. This is of course led the host to ask how old Yoshiki was, which he wouldn't answer, but did say that if Toshi was there, the mysterious effect would be ruined as Toshi would answer straight away because he is Toshi. The host howled. Because it's true.
It'd be like this:
Host: So how old are you guys?
Yoshiki: X
Toshi: 43!
Yoshiki: -_______________-;
Toshi: ??? =3 Huh?! Did I mess it up again?
Yoshiki: Come closer, I'll-YOUNEVERASKAWOMANHERAGE!*strangles*
...Okay not like that but that's how it is. XD; Anyway, it was a cute segment, learned more about the man, and maybe seeing him recently has made him more endearing. However, he is still a greedy bastard. A greedy bastard I love.
And I am really tired. So I do that sleep thing now. Night!
x japan