Oh Watanabe-kun

Sep 10, 2008 20:32

Discoveries of the day:
- My sleep medicine seriously lasts only six hours. To a tee. So if I take it at 11, I wake up at 5:00AM. So I have to take Tylenol then to drug myself into sleep - it does and doesn't work sometimes.
- For example, it didn't work tody. I was falling asleep when it was time to get ready for school. So at school I had coffee for the first time. I WAS WIRED FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. I have found my solution for non-genki days. 8D


This cell phone business has finally hit ridiculousness.

I was pretty busy at school today. Bingo sheets are not easy to make, but I think the end result was alright. We'll see come tomorrow when I actually use them.

Today's first grade class went...okay. It wasn't BAD but these kids are...kind of bad. We never got around to the real lesson since we just did self introductions. Some kids were smart asses and told me they didn't like anything, so now they know the word "nothing." One kid refused to even answer me. They fight with each other a lot.

But there are cute kids in that class for sure:

Watanabe - oh god, this boy...he's going to test me I know it. He's one of those kids. I know he must be the class joker or the guy who thinks he rules the class. I had to shoo him out of the face of one girl so I could get an answer out of her. He also wanted my flag. But I am hoping his obnoxiousness is just due to excess energy.

Joker - he's a prankster; the boy ran ahead of me to hide and jump out at me as I came around the corner. But he's horribly cute, even if he has issues sitting in his seat. He has one of those 'future-tv-comedians' faces.

Glasses - this girl is so tiny! Her glasses make her bugged eyed. But she is so cute. T^T A bit on the shy side I think.

I also taught fourth grade today too. Oh man...that went a lot better. XD I blame the coffee! Self introduction went well and we even got to do the lesson! The teacher got a kick out of my antics - he seriously was in stitches when I would do a flamenco pose while going "SPAIN!" The kids loved it. We did hot potato, which went well. Of course I changed the rules on them half way through because I wasn't sure what other game we should do...not sure the rule change flew too well but I thought it would at least add variety. After class I think I signed something for EVERYBODY. My signature = awesome apparently. I was signing peoples MUSIC BOOKS. And a random box...I'm not sure that was allowed. >_>;

Cool kids from fourth grade today:

Hottori - the boy has a Beatles haircut and can not win Rock Paper scissors to save his life.

Mimi - I call her this because she wears hearing aids. I had to wear a microphone when I taught. I hope I wasn't too loud though because um I am LOUD. I wore out her aide though. XD; Poor lady isn't used to my level of energy - the excuse is because I am young. I still blame the coffee.

Questions boy - I am sure he has a Yamasomething last name but I call him questions boy. He asked me a million questions.

Anyway, work was good. Got to play with Akira more - she showed me her dance and song abilities. She's good. Her friends/classmates also joined in. It was a secret music show under the stairs.

Secretary is helping me figure out this Tokyo business. I might send her an email soon because she hasn't emailed me...not that she promised to. Anyway, I still don't know my schedule. But if I can go and manage to be back in time for work, I just might go, if it doesn't cost me too much.

"You know you've watched too much Code Geass when:"
You see three helicopters fly over head and immediately think "SHIT! A WAR/INVASION!"
I am pretty sure I am the only person who stopped and stared in a concerned fashion.

kumano, work, code geass, japan

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