Boxes Huuuuurt

Jun 25, 2008 17:41

Well my back hurts. I've been going at the reorganizing/sorting through HARD CORE today. (The last two days I just did obviously out stuff as in stuff that wasn't in BOXES.)

Part of me doesn't want to part with some of this stuff...but dammit if I haven't watched it/listened to it/played it/whatever it does in YEARS then there is no point in keeping it right?

And honestly, being a woman, is NOT helping. DX

Sorry I just took like 10 minutes to listen to "Forever Love" while putting X Japan CDs in their proper place. (Which is a clear plastic drawer...and ironically, the two covers I can see are both TOSHI CD albums XD; figures! HE KNOWS I WANNA GAZE UPON HIS MANLY CHIN ALL THE TIME.)'s a bit of a mess down here...X__x

Man I am going to have a huge LIST of stuff to sell...hope you guys are in a buying mode. XD; (and I've deemed this phase one because seriously, SERIOUSLY, I have too much stuff. It bothers me that I have to store some of it in boxes that have to go in a closet...I don't know why, but it does.) was I?

I should take a break but...I shouldn't? XD; (I can't see my bed, it's covered in stuff HAHA >___>; )

Well maybe I will update again later with the wonderfulness that is X Japan? XD (YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING!)

home, toshi, ok day, x japan

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