I love Japanese Disney songs.
I love this show. 音楽・夢くらぶスペシャル I just love NHK!
Goofy was in a KILT.
I am so amused.
Funny how 5 hours later I am not amused, rather disappointed in myself, but caught up on LJ.
I tried putting some soy sauce in the water that I cook my rice with. I wonder what will happen!
And here are some quizzes for you. =_=
Get your own spectral analysis from Area 23® See, it amuses me because it looks like it could be an H(as in my last name) or an X(as in X Japan). Either way it fits.
stolen from
placetohide1) Write down 7 things that piss you off, and 7 things that make you go mmmmmmm.
2) Tag 7 people.
7 things that piss me off
1) Attention whores, myself included if you think I am one(I personally don't but hey I could be wrong - I am not always right). I mean the people who will constantly dig for compliments. People who will write a LJ post about how much they suck omg and oh I wasn't pretty or nobody likes me etc etc and they do it solely for attention. They do it so someone, close friend or not, will praise them and make them feel better. You can be an attention whore and not even know it. I don't mean depressed people or posts are fake, but you can regonize one a mile away. There is just this feeling to them that all the person wants is for everyone to look at them, not necessairly help them.
2) Not being properly informed ahead of time. I have to know all the important facts ahead of time ok? Don't spring stuff on me at the last minute(which ranges from a week in advance to indeed a minute before something goes down).
3) Food. I'm sick of it. I wish I didn't have to make it or buy it or even eat it in order to survive.
4) Brats. Not just kids, but teens and even adults. I hate bratty people. The ones who whine and cry and throw a fit if everything isn't what they like. This isn't just for females - males are brats too. I love kids, but I cannot tolerate a whiny child. If they're tired, I understand. Hungry, even more so - I WHINE when I'm hungry. But an obviously well-dressed child should not scream when he can not have another toy, even if mommy and daddy just bought him 10 because he turned 10.
5) My door. It seems to like carving elliptical lines into the floor now. Why? I have ran a NAIL FILE underneath you to pry off any hard piece of wood and yet you seem just dandy! Stop fucking up the floor! I don't want to pay for it.*sigh*
6) Being stressed. I don't like it. It makes me impatient, short, and usually not nice. Stress does not make for a happy Jess and I do not like being a spiteful 21 year old woman.
7) My manner of speak. I never seem to NOT offend someone I think. If I complain about how Japanese people stare/glare/avoid sitting next to me at all costs, I feel like I might offend my Japanese friends. Obviously, they don't do that to me - they're my friends. But I feel if I gave voice to this - on days that it really bothers me(I'm used it - I KNOW I look weird because I'm white, and I don't dress like everyone and I just look totally different. I understand I am FOREIGN. I am NOT the norm. But somedays I wish I was.)- that they might get mad at me and tell me things I already know or call me stupid or tell me that I shouldn't have come if it makes me uncomfortable you-know-it-all American.
That bothers me too. Being American. I'm never really ashamed or proud that I am. But when people insult my country, or say things about my nation I don't agree with, I feel hurt, even if it's true. Because I might not be like that, but yet they think my country is and aren't I part of my country?
America thinks it owns everything! I don't. I KNOW I don't, and I don't want to, that's too much responsibility. I joke with my German friends here that I should be able to do this or that because I'm American but it's a JOKE for me. It just...pisses me off that people might think that America's foreign policy = what the people are really like there! Grah. Politics piss me off too - mainly because I don't understand them well enough.
7 things that make me go mmmmm
1) brownies.*______*
2) Ewan McGregor!
3) rice.
4) chicken. I really like chicken.
5) um...Nomura Mansai. XD;; Yes I am a shameless fangirl!
6) most chocolate.
7) warm bed...warmth. warmth is nice.
I would add smiles, babies, and other cute things but they make me go SQUEE not mmmm as in mmmmdonuts but squee!Babies!X333. So yes.
stolen from
sjenWhy? Why not!
Okay, so we all know your fandom habits, preferences, and otherwise... but WHY? Why do you like them? What got you into them? What compells you to follow them endlessly until people wish you'd shut the frick up about them? List as many as you want, and explain~
I think I'll list um, Star Wars, Onmyouji, Detective Conan, and I guess X Japan. I can't think of any other fandoms I'm really into.
Star Wars: I really have no idea when I first watched the first press VHS verisons of the movies, obviously when I was a child, I mean kindergarden time I guess. But I was raised on the original trilogy. I never really had a favorite character: I thought Luke was cool, Han was cool and kind of looked like my dad, Leia was pretty and good at fighting, Chewie was well Chewie, the Bots were the Bots - funny!, and Yoda was funny if not a little creepy. And I was probably scared crazy by Darth Vader. But at some point in middle school, I had like...an awakening within the fandom. I had made friends with Ben and Arthur - who at the time were big Sci-Fi geeks - and with them I watched all kinds of movies and shows, read all kinds of books. Arthur rekindled my love for the Star Wars universe with his Extended Universe books, his information about the rereleases of the movies, and even upcoming movies! I jumped in. I joined the fanclub, I even read EU books(which I forget though I physically own the Han Solo trilogy), I even did fanart and fanfiction(nothing online mind you - it's all in a folder back in my room). I was a fan. I have to admit that it probably peaked around the release of Episode 1 but in the years between that film and and Episode 2, my interest wained. I left the fanclub sometime in highschool, after I got tired of paying for magazines I never read. I remember when they had an exhibit at the Air and Space Museum in D.C. that was all Star Wars...man...I was in heaven. I wasn't thrilled with Episode 2(not that anyone was I think). But for some reason, I was pumped to see Episode 3. I don't own that many Star Wars items - two Yoda posters, three/four books, a lightsaber keychain, and I think a C-3PO plushie(I want to search for him when I get home). But after Episode 3 I went like nuts. It was like I realized - yet again - HOW COOL Star Wars is, for me at least. I know I have ranted, to no end, to friends who at least lend me their time and ears, about why Anakin turned, why Obi-Wan is who he is, why Luke is cool even if he's whiny, why Yoda is SO KICK ASS(yeah he was my favorite since middle school), and why Darth Vader is da sex.(no seriously I had a dream I was trying to make out with Darth Vader and he kept turning me down.) I even went so far as to DRESS like a Jedi - IN PUBLIC. I mean...it's crazy, I'm just...obsessive now! Not that I complain but it's kind of odd I guess? Star Wars is just one of my passions. So why do I like it?(since you all know how I got into it now.) I think it's the story and the characters. It's an epic adventure in a galaxy like mine but very different. Good vs. Evil. The fact that no matter what, there is always hope. How if you try, you can change the world - if not the galaxy. That heroes are human, that villians are human. It was never the OMG spaceships for me, it was everything else. And laser swords are cool. XD
Onmyouji: Oh this fandom is new for me, and rather small? I got into this on a whim. When I visited Mimika for Spring Break last year, we were looking for movies to rent. So I saw this Onmyouji movie, which looked kinda cool - guys in kimono, fighting, saving the world? Why not! Man, well, we made fun of it at first(because we liked it!) but I was hooked. I was trying to draw little Seimei and Hiromasa chibis but well I suck at drawing Heian clothes. So when I got back to UW, I found some of the manga in a used bookstore(Airy found it actually but I was the one who bought them). Well, I didn't really read it but from what I did bother to read(yeah I am a lazy bitch) I liked, and I found it to be really fascinating. There's a mystery element to it, and of course adventure. So over the summer I bought my own copies of the DVDs and watched the second movie(which is great - crossdressing!Seimei man! XD). I've yet to buy the novels but I would like to someday. It's a quiet fandom, which is fine for me. It's not necessairly a fandom for smarties or Japanese majors only. I was a real fangirl when I went to Seimei's shrine. I guess it's just the one legend/historical figure I'm really into. It's like someone really loving the stories of Hercules, or when my brother was shortly obsessed with Alexander the Great(I think he wasn't pleased when I called the gay scenes in the movie XD). Seimei was a real onmyouji back in the day, and I need to learn up on him before I can really say I'm head over heels for the guy(in a fandom sense). I know I won't stop liking the stories people write about it, or draw, or film, but I am really ignorant on the actual history.
Detective Conan: My love for Conan sprouts from my love for Holmes(which goes as far back as elementary school) and mystries in general. Conan is a show about mystery fans for mystery fans. Conan/Shinichi is one of the animated/drawn figures I can easily identify with because we both fangasm over Holmes. Allyn and company got me into Conan once they heard my obsession with Holmes had relit. I suppose I should have given Holmes his own section but it's a fandom I'm not active in - nor am I active in this one. So I guess it's a catch all for my "I love a good mystery!" fandoms.
X Japan: This was going to be Japanese music but I realize there aren't very many artists I follow - besides TMR - so I decided to start with the group that started it all. X had a rough beginning with me - I disliked what I heard of them(which was ballads) and found them too popular. But a hide plushie's cute pout was my undoing and I fell headlong into what has become a long running obsession. I like their sound, their look. I like all the members - they're each a unique individual who work together to make music. No one really outshone one another in my eyes - though I do tend to heart on Toshi and hide the most. I know hide is dead and that's fine. I know the band is gone. But that never stopped me from liking them, or from spending well over a thousand dollars on what has in no doubt become a huge collection of books on the bands and the members. I even have all but 7 of the fanclub magazines. I literally am an X Japan otaku. I'm not ashamed of it. I am ashamed that my passion for buying or listening to them has ebbed but I know they won't leave me. It's just a break, not goodbye. X has played a real imporant part in shaping who I am and where I have gone and will continue to go.
And if you think I left out anything, I'll explain more. And if you think I need to explain any other fandoms I am in, I'll be glad to. Just let me know. And my apologies to Jen if I totally did this wrong - my head hurts and well lack of sleep the past few days due to extreme fucking coldness didn't help me any.
Well soy sauce in rice seems to work! it's like making that fried rice taste but minus the oilyness.
And this show on police here in Japan is pretty cool.
PS: My firefox apparently lacks the plugins to download music licsences for wma files. Anyone know where I can get them?