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Sep 30, 2011 23:09


Name: Caleb
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: precto
Email: precto@gmail.com
Timezone: GMT -5, EST
Other contact: AIM: fruits ponchi
Characters already in the game: Reisen Udongein Inaba, Reimu Hakurei
How did you find us?: My future self went back in time and told me.


Character name: Commissar Ciaphas Cain ~Hero of the Imperium~
Fandom: Warhammer 40k
Timeline: After his actions on Andumbria in the year 41,937
Age: Uncertain but probably 125 years old
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Being unnaturally lucky and unlucky.
How would they use their abilities?: By unluckily getting into bad situations and luckily getting out of them.
Cain stands at a rather tall 6'8''! He has dark brown hair and mutton chop sideburns. He generally wears armor under his greatcoat but he's extremely fit and buff, the armor making him look even bigger. His most important article of clothing is his Commissar hat, which he will go at great lengths to retrieve. Equipped with a laspistol and his trusty chainsword, he can handle most foes fairly easily.

For everything else, here is an image.

“It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.”


And enter Ciaphas Cain, a Commissar. Just like in World War era Russian armies, Commissars in Warhammer 40k have a specific job. They maintain morale in Imperial Guard regiments. Many use their pistol to make sure cowardly soldiers don't run but Cain is of a different sort as we will see later.

Cain, as a child, lived on a hive world. A hive world is a world with such a huge population (often upwards of 19 billion people) that cities are built on top of cities, leaving most of the population of the planet underground. He was an orphan though the reasons were unknown (Cain drastically changes the story of how his parents died every time he tells it) but because he was an orphan, he was sent to the Schola. At the Schola, kids are taught how to be fanatics for the God-Emperor and it's pretty much the Hitler Youth except with the God-Emperor. Cain unfortunately (or fortunately) screwed off his entire time there, played pranks, and did best in sports. As such, he got assigned as a Commissar to a backwater regiment that probably wouldn't see much action, the Valhallan 12th Field Artillery. It was here that his legend was to begin.

Cain generally didn't wish to get involved too much with the regiment and his ultimate goal was to just be a paper pusher so he would never be in the line of fire. To his consternation, he ended up getting caught in the middle of a Tyranid (genetically perfect BUGS FROM OUTER SPACE) attack. He started to run away from it as one man, Gunner Ferik Jurgan, tripped and was probably going to end up as food. But a Hive Tyrant appeared right in front of Cain at that moment. Instead of facing down that beast, Cain turned around and charged the oncoming swarm, rescuing Jurgen in the process, thinking that it was safer to fight the swarm. They managed to escape after a quick reinforcement from allies but most saw this action as a heroic sacrifice on the part of Cain instead of him running away from his enemies.

This idea was soon to be reinforced. His regiment was sent to planet Perlia but was ambushed in outer space by some Ork (space orcs) ships. Jurgen (now Cain's aide) and Cain jumped in an escape pod and landed behind enemy lines on the planet. In a desperate effort to survive, Cain rallied guerillas forces that was left over from the Planetary Defense Force and tore a path through the Ork army to get to friendly lines. In a last ditch effort that led to an accident, Cain ended up fighting the Ork Warboss (a hulking beast 12-13 feet tall) in hand-to-hand combat. Surprisingly, he killed the creature and the Ork army shattered without its leader. Cain was hailed as the hero that single handedly saved the planet Perlia without any support.

Not wanting their hero to die, the Commisariat reassigned him to desk jobs which had the unfortunate habit of throwing him into grave danger. For a few years, he ended up going up against mankind's worst foes and being the only survivor due to sheer luck. Cain decided he had enough of this and applied for a transfer and got it. He was attached to what was soon to be the 597th Valhallan Regiment.

This was a troublesome regiment that was a combination of two depleted regiments, one all female and the other all male. Fights broke out nearly constantly as both regiments refused to give up their original name. Cain, in a stroke of genius that evolved from trying to save his own hide, rounded up the ringleaders of the trouble makers and gave the regiment a new name, the 597th. The 597th, with Cain, was to become one of the most famous Imperial Guard regiments in the sector in its future actions with many of its officers going on to become high ranking members of the Imperial Guard.

Their first action was on the planet Gravalax. It was a planet that was close to being diplomatically annexed by the Tau (blue anime space aliens) and the Imperium wished to stop that but didn't have the military resources to spare. So it decided to use diplomatic measures to halt the process. The 597th was deployed to make sure the Tau were not militarily taking over the planet. On the planet, not only did Cain stop a war from breaking out between the Tau and the Imperium but he uncovered a plot by the Tyranids to make the Tau and Imperium go to war. It was during this time that Cain met Inquisitor Amberley Vail, who would become a great influence (AKA: trouble) on his life, would publish Cain's memoirs and immediately censor them.

Next year, the regiment would be called to the planet Simia Oricalcae to defend a refining facility from an Ork attack. Cain would later stumble upon a Necron (metal space zombies) tomb and find that there were Necrons on this world and they were awakening. As one of mankind's most dangerous enemies, there was only one solution to be had. The planet was evacuated and the Imperial navy was called in to destroy the entire planet. Thanks to Cain's efforts, the tomb was discovered early enough to evacuate the entire populace of the planet. Immediately afterward, him and his regiment were sent to the planet Periremunda where they fought off a Tyranid invasion and cleansed the planet.

Finally, in 937.m41, Cain and his regiment of soldiers were detached to the planet Adumbria. They fought a local Chaos (dark god worshippers) cult who were trying to summon a greater daemon. Once again, Cain's ingenuity helped locate the hidden hideouts of the cult but they failed to stop the summoning. Cain fought the greater daemon and with the help of his aide, Jurgen, managed to kill it. For this, Cain earned many accolades and even had a religion based on him being a prophet for the God-Emperor though Cain tries to disassociate himself from that.

Now we are up to the point in canon he's from.


In a universe where the God-Emperor of humanity is dead, and alien races converge all around humans, the future looks exceedingly grim. If humanity isn't destroyed from the outside by the Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Tyranids, or the Orks, they'll be destroyed from the inside by the Chaos and humanity's own inquisitors. Worlds are being ripped from humanity's grip and billions upon trillions are dying in unending wars. What humans need is a hero and only one man can be the Hero Of The Imperium. Commissar Ciaphas Cain.

At least, that's what you learn in history books and actions movies. In reality, Cain is much, much different than what the dramas portray him as. Oh, he certainly doesn't toss his duty to the side and he definitely isn't unskilled. He's simply paranoid and worries more about his own safety than the safety of others. But it's this same paranoia that gets him thrown in bad situations and it's his concern of his safety that leads him to perform heroic acts. He's a man who is always in the wrong place at the right time, causing him to nearly win wars single handedly, striking crucial blows upon enemy leadership or uncovering plots by heretics.

He's not all about being a hero though. As a Commissar, his job is to keep the morale of his soldiers high. Most choose to blast the soldiers in the back of the head with a laspistol. Cain befriends and treats his men well. Once again, this isn't because he's a good guy and a hero. He treats his soldiers well so they won't shoot him in the back and, more importantly, they may jump in front of a fatal shot for him. His best friend and unwavering, if very stupid, ally is Jurgen. Cain loves having Jurgen around because the man does what he's told to the letter, keeps annoying riffraff away from Cain with his terrible smell, and can always be relied on through thick and thin.

Cain is also very good at currying favor among higher ups. He isn't a man who sucks up (flattery is used sparingly though) but instead, he isn't afraid to say what he wants in a calm and polite manner. Many Lord Generals he works with respect this attitude since many lower on the chain of command are afraid to voice their opinion in fear of death. Unlike most Commissars, Cain isn't as devoted to the God-Emperor as he should be. He shows just enough loyalty to the dead man so he won't be hunted down by the Inquisition and killed. Even then, he has contacts in the Inquisition that he has made in his time, allowing him to call in favors in worst case scenarios.

As all humans, Cain has been heavily indoctrinated with the fact that xenos, sorcerers, and heretics are all vile creatures that need to be killed. Even if he isn't as fanatical about most, the simple sight of these things make him sick to his stomach. He's xenophobic but not to the point of killing on sight. Cain is more than willing to talk with aliens to avoid a fight but most aliens in the Warhammer 40k universe hardly even know how to talk. As for heretics and sorcerers, Cain has had some terrible experiences in his past and will often shoot first and ask questions later. Seeing a daemon summoning and being influenced by sorcery will do this to a man.

Have you read up on how the game works?: That plugin called FlamingFerret. You can earn money through missions, freelance work, or being a lazy bum and mooching.

1st person sample:
[With a steaming teacup in one hand and a twirling laspistol in the other (he had to be sure that people knew there was a possibility he could be dangerous plus it showed any Imperial citizens that he was still stalwart in his beliefs for the God-Emperor), Cain looked rather content with the situation. How he looked and how he felt were two different things, however.]

Before I go anywhere with this, I have to wonder one thing. How many of you even know who the God-Emperor is? I feel like it's suddenly twenty thousand years ago and humans were just meeting every xeno out there.

Better yet, I'd be happy if there were any Guardsmen out there...or even PDF soldiers. Frak, I'd take local Arbites desk officers! Just don't tell me I'm the only one out there with a dataslate and a vox communicator.

Though, seeing if that were true, no one would be answering me.

That was a bad joke so I'll just leave it at that.

Commissar Cain, signing off.

3rd person sample:
Cain stepped over to the side just slightly, not so subtly trying to open the gap between him and the nearest tentacled alien. Emperor on the Throne, how horrifying! He had the urge to yell about all the heresy going on in just this one room; humans talking with xenos as if it were nothing. But if he did that, who knew if the average grox herder was going to whip out a laspistol and blast him to kingdom come for breaking some random xeno custom. Better to play it safe and keep his mouth shut, hoping to find some alcohol to drown out his protesting mind.

He finally glanced down at his paperwork and sighed. This...this he could handle. Cain adjusted his hat slightly and dived into it head on. Check box after check box after essay question were slammed away by his professional paperwork skills (gained by quite a few years of desk work) and he was done far too soon for his own comfort.

After quickly scanning the room for anyone who may have recognized his face, he was satisfied no one here knew him. Pulling his hat down over his eyes just to be sure, he made a dash for the desk, slapped up the completed work, and made a break to leave the room. If he was caught cooperating at all, his life was in the toilet but if he didn't cooperate, his life was probably in the toilet anyway. Better to do these things and talk his way out of any bad situation.

Now, to find some tanna tea or some amasec. Without that, he felt like he would be biting the dust from heart failure soon enough.


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