charlie horses suck. my stomach ache sucks. school sucks. exams sucks. LIFE SUCKS ASS DUDE.

May 16, 2006 16:39

Feel like I haven't updated in forever and while there's a lot I want to say, none of it is really that important. *shrug* It's been a sucky week. I feel like it's never going to end and it's only Tuesday. Baaaad sign. But I really don't want to talk about real life so I'm not.

01. GA killed me. I bawled my eyes out like a baby. The end broke my shipper heart and even though I'm still not gaga over Callie, I loved her and her helping/glaring in that last scene lol. I was going to do full thoughts but... I just can't. I don't want to cry again lol. *sniffle*

02. I've been helping Steph (maybtomorrow) out with Ryan Hansen Online because Dick/Ryan = the new Hider love. Seriously, all my love has transferred to him. Mac/Dick is OTP. I don't care what anybody says. But more on that later. *waggles eyebrows*

03. I tried to download The Cutting Edge 2 so I could cap it for Ryan but its torrents were not cooperating so I checked and it's out on DVD. Toe's suppose to take me when he gets home but it's storming so it might have to wait until tomorrow :/ Oh well, I'm just praying my Blockbuster actualyl has it. *crosses fingers*

04. Sam wanted to make a 2x22 video so she wanted Mac, Cassidy, and Dick clips... and uh, she owns me obviously so I made them for her. I spent the weekend more or less making clips from that, every episode of The Bedford Diaries, and capping GG 4x20. Speaking of... I figured out how to make big caps! I was so proud lol. The GG caps are HUGE. Because of the size and all the funky domain problems I've been having it's taken me days to get them up. Coppermine resized them a bit but they're still huge. I'll post them later.

05. My flist exploded with the VM news. Like seriously went kaboom like the bombs on GA. *shakes head* OVER 65 entries since I left for school! That's like half a day people! lol. And what's hilarious about is every entry is exactly the same. So I'll follow the crowd: YAAAAAAAAH FOR VM! WOOT! WOOT! Everwood: *tear* My poor poor everwood. OTH: Couldn't care less. I might watch ocassionally but whatever. If Soph really does leave I won't at all because that would fuck everything up and I refuse to frustrate myself. 7th Heaven: This show? Is like the Energizer Bunny. IT JUST WON'T FUCKING DIE! *stabs*

06. Can anyone PLEASE tell me the font they use to make buttons?? Please. My fanlisting? Has no codes at the moment. Because I can't find the pixel-y font that will resize for buttons. I will love whoever gives me the name for all eternity. jollygreenpear and denrito rule at life. *g*

07. Can anyone tell me the name of their FTP program? I used to love AceFTP but after I had to reinstall it, I've been having all kinds of problems. Any suggestions?

08. It's going to be a boring night so expect spammage later. *g*

tv shows: grey's anatomy, tv shows: veronica mars, sites: ryan hansen

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