That art that took me over three fucking hours and about killed me? It's posted at
hellisbreaking since it was a challenge and therefore all Sam's fault :P
Clickity-click here.
But like I said over there, I think it's
one of the best things I've ever done. I wasn't satisfied with at first
but I changed a few things and now it's growing on me. So much so that
I made it into a header and and changed the layout over here. I know
you guys loved Sophia but if you miss her that bad you can use the
header. I think this one's better anyway. Come see and let me know what
you thinkies.
hide_r I'm not going to babble I swear. But just two little things.
1. I still hate Foreman and I always will. That's never going to
change. At first he was bugging the shit out of me but when him and
House traded looks through the glass... awe-soooome. I love that part.
The looks on their faces were hilarious.
2. What the fuck did she get him?! It was a big dramatic moment that
got me all excited (and therefore want to run and hide from fear of
Anica retribution) then... nothing. I am ashamed as a C/C shipper to
admit that I love their tension and how House shoved the presents
behind his leg when Chase walked in. I swear, I think since Chase and
Cameron slept together, their trying to make up for it with all these
C/House moments every week and it's making me all torn.
3. I lied. One more thing: This is why I don't get into new shows
mid-series. I feel so out of the loop. Did we know Chase had a brother?
Did we know he went to seminary? And about his mother and him being
Catholic and going to medical school when he didn't want to? If not,
serious backstory overload dude. (Plus, just a thought: Does he speak
to anyone in his family?? Dead dad. Dead mom. Disconnected brother.
Anyone left?
That is all... for now. If I decide to be spammy later I'll let you know. ;)
- Come on guys.
oth_lims. Just seven little letters. It's got more letters then it's got members. I beg too much. Don't make me keep at it.
- Uh.... if you missed,
Logan's Favorite Things. You'll crack up I swear.
ETA: The due date for dmhgficexchange is today and it's major D/Hr fic overload. It's like heaven *siiigh*