I'M DYING. TRUE STORY. Only not really.

Mar 02, 2009 17:37

01. This week has been one of those weeks where I'm so overwhelmed and dissatsified that I feel like I'm letting everyone down, including myself. I hate my classes and have no interest in any of the subject material... which is a problem because 4 of the 5 are directly related to my major. As a result, it's making me rethink my whole plan. Not only can I not afford to do that, but every time I do I think of how close May 16th really is. Moving day just keeps getting closer and closer and I have no idea what state I'm going to be in, much less what I'll be doing. I hate money. I hate the financial aid system. I hate that everything in my life is such a high wire act. It's ridiculous and I'm sick on top of it so the fact that I cannot breathe IS NOT HELPING. *huffs*

02. Moving on... Bacolicio is the most pointless and/or amusing thing to happen to me all week... except when Erin used me as a human jungle gym yesterday. (She's decided that when she can't come up with a comeback to my sarcastic comments, she's just going to hurl her 90 pound body at me and start climbing... which is surprisingly efficient.)

03. Our dishwasher takes like an hour and a half to do one load. Which is annoying because my roommates are slobs who never do the dishes. I'll go to make something but the skillet/pot/whatever will be disgusting so I'll have to unload the clean dishes, reload the dishwasher, and wait for it to wash before I can make dinner. THIS IS WHY I SNACK ON CRAP INSTEAD OF EATING REAL FOOD. Only seventy-eight days until I'm out of here... which is also incredibly sad because, well, I don't know if I'll be able to come back (see number one).

04. I need fan fiction recommendations. Real bad. Please? I'm not so much in a slashy mood but anything else is fine by me. You guys know my fandoms and I love the random.

05. I know this entry is like blah blah mope and moan but my sick brain really does not have anything else to say. *sighs* So go read epic fic instead. And random fic.

ETA: I forgot huge life-altering news. I think I'm delirious. Anyway! MY MOTHER AND TOE ARE GETTING MARRIED! She went to see him in Madison this weekend, he proposed (again) and she (finally) accepted!! They're getting married on the beach on New Years Eve. My grandparents have a condo there and it's going to be super low key, with just six people total.

ETA2: And my mom just called. She got a job in Madison! Which... is great, just a little sad. She's moving in with Toe (and the Burmese family he's staying with) at the end of the month because they can live there free. Hopefully our house will sell by the end of the year and they can get an apartment at some point.

people: mom, college: classes, misc: link spam, people: toe, lj: begging, college: roommates, fan fiction: rec post, college: financial aid

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