01. I finally got my internet situation worked out. As I
originally explained, there was no wireless in my dorm like we expected and I encountered some other troubles so I was basically internet-less, which sucked ass. Me and my roomates walked down to Radio Shack though and solved the problem by buying an Ethernet chord to plug into the wall. The fifteen bucks was totally worth it.
02. Speaking of my roommates: they're basically amazing. I was going to upload pictures but basically I'm just lazy enough that I don't feel like it at the moment, so I'll do that later.
Our dorm is two bedrooms with an adjoining bathroom. Molly is my actual roommate and she's from Chattanooga so we got the whole Tennessee thing to bond over plus she's pretty cool. Down to earth and spacey with a lot of similar tastes. We get along great and have yet to disagree over anything. The only slightly negative thing is that she knows some girls from the program, they went to school together in Chattanooga and they're judgmental bitches. Sometimes it feels like Molly thinks she's too good to hang out with us all the time. But whatever. We get along fine and have fun.
Erin, who is from Boston, and Jessica, who lives in a suburb about an hour outside of Chicago, are the two girls in the other room. Jessica is amazing. I just love her and want to pinch her cheeks on a regular basis. (She went back home for the long weekend and I'm already counting down until she gets back.) Erin's okay and a real sweetheart, but she has her annoying moments sometimes. Where as Jess has amazing taste (I'VE ALREADY GOT HER ADDICTED TO BUFFY - with Veronica Mars waiting in the wings.), Erin's taste is really fucked up. I mean, she literally thinks Mark Schwan is a 'creative genius' and that One Tree Hill is incredibly well written. It takes all of my self control not to jump down on her throat when she tries to defend ideas like these. Somehow I've managed to restrain myself thus far.
I do like that we all have a variety of interests that are still similar enough for us to be able to help each other and work together. For instance, Molly's here for acting and poetry, Jessica's here for acting and fiction writing, Erin's here for photography and design, and I'm here for photography and art. It works out really well.
03. My dorm is pretty fucking sweet, all things considering. The room itself is fairly big compared to most dorms and everything in the building is both very new and really clean. Me and my Molly rearranged our furniture within days of moving in. (We wanted our beds by the window and overall it's much more condusive to movie nights for all four of us.) Plus, we're literally right downtown and within walking distance of just about anything. (Again, I'll post pictures later.)
04. I like my classes for the most part too.
Suprisingly, Mixed Media Art (Mondays, 9:30-4:30) is my least favorite class. The teacher is young and really nice but she acts like a kindergarten teacher and is incapable of saying anything negative. She just accepts a lack of enthusiasm with no problem and that's pretty much my biggest pet peeve. I hate when people take art classes for ahen easy A and I thought this class would be different because it's a summer program, no one is forcing you to do it, but apparently not. The class is full of people who want to do just enough to get by and the teacher just accepts that. She even considered one slacker's 2x4 piece of wood with random nails hammered into it to be 'art.' It's irritating and her voice kind of gives me a headache. Suffice to say, Mondays are going to be long ass days for me.
Intro to Darkroom Photography (Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30-12:30) is fascinating and I feel like I'm really going to learn tons. The teacher isn't afraid to keep her original college curriculum and I love that she didn't dumb anything down, even though it's a little overwhelming at times. I feel like not only am I going to leave the class with some great photos and dark room skills, but that I'm actually going to understand cameras really well, inside and out. After one class, I already feel like I know so much more about the way cameras work and how they came about. It really makes me wish my Nikon still worked and that I didn't have to rent some random Vivitar from the photography department.
Introduction to Art History (Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:00-4:00) is going to be pretty cool, I think. I've always enjoyed art history and history itself, plus the class is made up of just five really cool girls and a sweet but laid back teacher. She seems to actually know what she's talking about and care about whether her students are bored or not. I really like the structure of the class too. Every class will focus on a lesson from the book. She's going to lecture for the first half of the class but then we're actually going to go look at art in a museum or gallery, which I think is pretty cool and way better than just looking at a bunch of slides the whole time.
05. The only thing I don't like about my dorm is that, to keep us entertained, they have a whole calendar of events we have to attend, most of which are mandatory. Last Sunday they dragged us on a scavenger hunt around the city so we could learn our way around. It was a good plan in theory, just not so much in execution - I was thisclose to tears by the end of it. Last night they dragged us to the Hancock Building so that we could ride the fastest elevator in the North America and look out from the fourth largest rooftop in the city. (WTF RAs, W.T.F.) Today the torture of choice was the Grant Park Zoo but it actually wasn't that bad. We spent more time waiting for the bus and actually riding it then we did even looking at animals but whatever.
06. I went on a mini-field trip with Erin and Molly yesterday to the closest movie theater so we could see Wanted. (First experience on the subway? SUCCESS.)
Normally I'm not a fun of unrealistic stunts and the like but, since it was explained in that way, I was willing to overlook it and be really impressed. The tone of it was kind of weird (especially in the beginning) but, by the end of it, I was really impressed. I thought Angelina Jolie did a good job in it and I like when Morgan Freeman plays a bad guy. Also, I totally understand the James McAvoy obsession now. Right on, guys, you have good taste. (This wasn't really a surprise.)
My favorite part was the ending and the way it all worked out in the end, although I did kind of feel a pull towards the Fox/Wesley throughout the whole thing so her death was kind of sad, though really cool. Her feelings on the whole operation were probably my favorite part and if she hadn't killed herself, it would have totally contradicted all of that. Still, poor Wesley. The fact that it all slowed down for them when they kissed was pretty fucking sweet. Almost as sweet as the last line. "What the fuck have you done lately?"
ALSO, FUCKING CHRIS PRATT. Best surprise ever. It was funny seeing him as such a douche. "He's the man."
The best part of the whole thing was being able to pick out Chicago landmarks in the movie. The scene where Wesley walks to the newspaper stand and sees all those headlines? I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THAT IS. And I walk under the subway bridge all the time. Fun stuff.
07. Does anybody have last month's issue of CosmoGirl? I believe it was the one that came before Vanessa Hudgens. I was told Krysten Ritter was in it and I reeeeeeally want to see the scans. Does anybody have the magazine? Even if you can't scan it, can you like confirm which issue she was in so I can check around for it? Pleeeeeeease? I will seriously love you forever and return the favor however I can.
08. Who else is excited for
Doctor Horrible? BECAUSE I KNOW I AM. *waits anxiously on the edge of her seat*
NEW HALF-BLOOD PRINCE PICTURES. I actually think the first one is really pretty even though I'm not a Harry/Hermione fan or anything. BUT MATTHEW. AW. I can't wait to see Neville in the movie.
10. I am off to go work on the fansite I am revamping.