01. I have spent the whole day with my mom, with the both of us goofing off while she scrapbooks and I play around online. Fun fact? I haven't left my house since I got home from school Friday afternoon and I don't plan on leaving again until I have to go to school tomorrow morning.
02. I have way too many sites. I redid the collective section over at
Hell is Breaking and I have finally realized just how many I have (and there are still like three more I reeeeeally want to open!). To fix this, I've decided to really cut down. (I mean it this time, really!) so expect some fanlistings to go up for adoption soon and some sites to be offered up/closed. If I have something you'd like to take over, now's the time to add yourself to the Keep in Mind list because I'm more likely to get rid of one if I know it's going to a good owner like one of you guys.
On a related note, would any of you be interested in co-webbing or joining the staff on any of my sites? I really don't think I can handle them all by myself anymore and working with Ashleigh on
Penn Badgley Fan has made me realize that it's so much easier with help. So... any takers? My list of sites and fanlistings are
And, um... now to completely contradict almost everything I just said. Ehem.
Poll The Opinion of the Flist is Gold. Huh... that got rather long, and went on to include a meme... and me being crazy. I'll have try not to let it happen again sometime.
I hate my way of coding. It's ugly... and frustrating. And I wish there were more tutorials online, ones that are actually understandable. It's annoying and irritating. There are so many things I'd like to improve about my web design skills and I just can't figure out how. Like, ok, I got Movable Type installed, now how do I actually use it? Or the same with Word Press, I can't get it customized like I want it. I learned php, but now all my sites are boring tables. And I just hate the overall look of my sites and the text formatting and just UGH. I wish there was a site online for fansite webmasters to teach them tricks and scripts and stuff. It would make life easier and fansites better for everyone. /rant
04. I really am sorry that my entries are all so site-related. I know it's probably boring, but real life is just so dull at the moment that I just want to scream.... and fast forward three months... but also kind of not. I feel stupid for wishing my senior year away but I hate this period of limbo where we're all just killing time. It's annoying and frustrating and not made any better by the fact that I haven't gotten into college yet. Ugh.
05. The amount of Gio and Gio/Betty fans makes me happy. I've never been all that involved with the fandom so I expected it to be very Henry/Betty-dominated but it's really not, or at least the parts I've experienced haven't been. Most of the people I've come across like those two but are a little sick of their predicament, which is the same for me. I just find Gio/Betty more interesting. I think he challenges her a bit more and I love the character even more when she's around him. He pushes her buttons and it's great. Quack! Woof! Quack! Woof!
Roman noodles are done!
This is exciting for the record. Neil Patrick Harris in a Joss Whedon musical? AWESOME.