01. I'm baaaack. I took my laptop to the closest Best Buy (a fucking hour away *rolls eyes*) and unlike the guy in Nashville, this Geek Squad guy was cute and helpful and sweet and did I mention cute? Because he was. And he solved my laptop problems without having to ship it away for 10-14 days. I was thisclose to hugging him. I told him that. He laughed. (He has a good sense of humor too!) So anyway, no hiatus for the time being, though I am still going to Tennessee this weekend. I leave way too early Friday morning and get back Monday afternoon. Real life is still a pretty crappy though, so I am really looking forward to get away for a few days. However, I'm just ignoring all my problems and throwing myself into online projects. I don't care if people say denial and avoidance is unhealthy, it always makes me feel better, so that's what I'm doing.
02. I have so much online stuff to do that it is crazy. My to-do list is for-ev-er long. I also have way too many upcoming fanlistings and way too many emails and comments that I need to answer. (So if you're waiting to hear from me, you probably will tonight.)
03. Brianne is awesome, I'm just saying.
04. Matthew Lewis deserves way more love from the HP fandom. Neville has always been my favorite character but that love is resurfacing and also being transfered to Matt as well. He has gotten so hot and he's just adorable. *pinches cheeks* Can you tell I'm in fangirl mode? Because I am. I've spent all week reading George/Luna fic and Neville fic (He's so my fandom whore, I can ship him with anybody). Good fic for both is so hard to find though. (Anybody have any recs? *makes puppy dog eyes*)
05. Heroes comes out on DVD today!! aksj;qn1lksz I can't wait to get it. I've saved up all of my money (two babysitting gigs and all my monkey-bank change) to buy the HD sets because I have to have those. I was going to get them at Best Buy, where I found them for $80 but then I found that Amazon has them for $70 and you get free shipping if you agree to wait an extra three days. I don't want to wait but I won't be home until Monday anyway and I'm so broke that I need to save the money. But before I order them... Does anybody know of a place to get them cheaper?
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