01. Long time, no update. I've been busy and all over the place though and kind of emo. I didn't want to post a 'woe is me' post so I wanted to wait until I was in a good mood but that doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon so whatever.
02. I'm officially moved. We moved into our house over the weekend and I'm still kind of exhausted. I'm also cranky as fuck because I've been sweating to death thanks to no air vents in my room (which is like an attic) and the fact that my fan stops for exactly three seconds every four and a half turns like clockwork. And there are flies all over me. And I smell because our shower is acting funky. And I am so behind on EVERYTHING right now. And I start school tomorrow. And I have a billion things I need to do beforehand but like no time, since I'm about to have to to sit at the laundry mat for three hours with my five wet loads of laundry because there's not a plug for our dryer in this house. So I figured what the fuck ever, if I'm going to be up until 1am anyway, I mine as well make time for the stuff I want to do too.
ETA: And now I can't make the dinner I was planning to because we don't have the right kind of plug for our microwave either. We don't have the money for all these stupid repairs and it's getting ridiculous. SOMEBODY KILL ME NOW.
03. I have more proof of the smallness of this town. Remember how you guys were comparing it to Stars Hollow? We had a random festival to raise money for some random cause over the weekend. I about died cracking up when I walked down and saw the old singing troupe (it was very much Lazy-Hazy-Crazy-Days style). And we've been in the house for three days and I already know more neighbors here than I did in the eight years I lived in my dad's house. They've all brought baked goods to. All the delicious sweets are really putting my self restraint to the test.
04. I have filled out more job applications in the last week than I care to remember. Bleh. I hate paperwork when it's incredibly redundant and retarded. No, I have not committed a felony. No, I am not an illegal resident. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. I do however have an interview with an Amish restaurant Friday at 4pm so that should at least be interesting.
05. I'm doing Alias clips for David Anders Fan and while clipping the shootouts, I realized something. David alwayscloses his eyes when he shoots a gun. And in a squinty way too. It makes me giggle.
06. KYLE GALLNER GOT A RECURRING ROLE ON THE SHIELD. Let me show you how much I can contain my joy. *JUMPS UP AND DOWN* WOOOOOOOOOT. ajkshel;ebnaiq93jg91
07. I keep trying to set up a new layout and it's not working. I'm so fucking easily frustrated today.
08. Yesterday was
brokenroad's birthday and I hope she forgives me for being late. I love you bunches and I hope you had a great day anyway. *smoosh* My flist would not be the same without you.
10. I miss Sam.