01. Papa John is enemy number one at the moment. Him and his stupid pizza that had me and dad fighting over the toilet all weekend. *would gag but has spent the whole weekend wishing she was only gagging* It all started when dad decided to order in Friday night. He ate four pieces, I ate one. He spent all night/morning sick and I spent all night/morning getting washcloths and watching him get sick. Then when it passed, I was making fun of him because I hadn't gotten sick, so what does my brilliant mind do? Eat two slices of pizza of leftovers. Turns out: I wasn't immune to the sicky. I just hadn't had enough. *is still queasy*
02. I was talking to somebody on my flist the other day (can't for the life of me remember who) about how glasses make hot boys all that much hotter.
THIS TOO.) Guh. *drools* The movie was pretty good but kind of weird, though not as weird as Danika, which I really didn't like. What is it with Kyle and obscure mind!fuck thrillers?! *shakes head*
03. And Lena sent me three pictures from an event Ryan and Kyle went to together that I had never seen:
THIS ONE'S MY FAVORITE. *pinches their cheeks* They're so cute.
04. Can you tell I'm on a Kyle high? BECAUSE I AM. I've spent the whole weekend (minus puking breaks) doing *points down*. I hate the layout, it doesn't do the pretty glasses!Kyle justice but it will have to do until my muse comes back. It's kept its distance since the whole pizza debacle, but I suppose that's a good thing. I wouldn't want it to get sick too.
KYLE-GALLNER.COM 05. I'm not even going to go through what I think about the VM drama, it's been done and said by fifty million other people who can put it better than I can. Mainly
this girl. (Because I agree with her 100%.)
This cap kind of breaks my heart a little. *sad face*
07. I'm having another installment of the ultimate Alias marathon tonight with my mummy when I get home. I's excited like whoa. We're on disc four of season four at the moment. It's amazing how fast we've gone through.
08. Speaking of marathons... I'm having a Supernatural: Season One this week because I've had the DVDs since Christmas and just opened them last week to see the first three episodes. I've only seen a couple in the season so I want to catch up.
09. Speaking of Supernatural... Dean/Jo STILL rock my socks off. I've been obsessing over them for a while now, just never really went into it here. I'm still not going to but I am going to pimp
THIS because as the creator said in all her crossposts, it would be awesome to be able to find their fic easily without having to dig through all the Wincest. (I was kind of surprised at just how much D/J fic there is - not that I'm complaining in the least.)
10. I'm done.