01. I'm baaaack... with a new layout!
hide_r. I've been reeeeally sick of Logan/Brooke for a while now so since my muse is finally cooperating again (*rejoices*), I finally made a new one. I'm actually real proud of it too, I really like the style and the coloring (especially considering Class caps are the hardest things to color ever) so let me know what ya think :) I also have a pretty new default icon that matches... and this one *points*
02. Speaking of The Class... I've never been a big fan of comedies, or at least not the sitcom-type. This show has totally pulled me in though and KAT/ETHAN ARE STILL AWESOME. That can't be said enogh and I'm just glad they're he's starting to realize it. Oh, and I totally called that it'd be him first. *goes back to dancing*
03. I actually liked most of my tv this week, especially Veronica Mars. (Although I do maintain SOMETHING was a bit rushed and something was a bit HORRIBLE and something else was HEE!CUTE.) The OC however was dissapointing, or well, the episode itself was. I haven't made my mind up about the actual ending yet.
04. Our house is offically sold and we have officially rented a reeeally nice house in a reeeally nice neighborhood that happens to be down the street from two of my new best friends, Bryn and Brianne (they're twins). The only problem is that we can't move in to the rental house until Thursday but have to be out of our house by Friday at midnight. So bascially we have 24 hours to move lol. FUN. But I get to skip school and a bunch of my friends are coming over to help after they get out of class so that'll be cool.
05. Speaking of skipping school, I had to skip yesterday because I was sick all day with my stomach crap, and today because I had to get poked and prodded so they could find out what is causing said stomach crap. Right now they have me on two new medicines, one I take once a day for prevention, and the other I can take 3-4 times a day as needed to help when it hurts. The prevention one has helped loads so wootage. It should also be better once they actually know whether it's an ulcer or just really bad acid reflux and can treat it more specifically.
06. Late last year Amanda was bitching and moaning about how she missed American chocolate so I sent her a big thing of it and then when I came home the other day, I tripped (AGAIN) over a box on my porch. BUT IT WAS ENGLISH CHOCOLATE SO THAT MADE IT OKAY. *g* Of course, this also came the day after me and my mom made a pack to diet together. So, yeah... that got put on hold lol. *smooshes Amanda*
07. Fanlistings have taken over my life. I have opened a bunch. But all you Kyle fans need to join
Impulse, the Bart fanlisting. Because Bart = loveage x 358,291. *nods* And all you Lits need to join
The Subsect because that episode pwned way more than 618 (*gags a little*).
08. I love Valentine's Day candy... actually I love any holiday that Reese's makes special candy for. Because in the ones shaped like eggs, hearts, or pumpkins, the peanut butter to chocolate ratio is way greater and makes Hider OH SO HAPPY. Like seriously, if they would just sell those year aroung... *siighs*
09. I got this MEGA-AWESOME Spiderman wallet today at Target.. FOR $1. It made me happy.
10. I have a little heart shaped box with like 4 chocolates in it that I'm eating and... dude. The first was really good caramel filling.. the second was gooey-chocolate (EVER BETTER) and the third was strawberry (EH)... the fourth was orange. WTF? Since when do chocolates have orange filling? It most definately the ick-o fruit-kind-of-orange too, not the oh-so-good-orange-like-a-push-up-pop. *wrinkles nose*