So I've been gone a while, mainly because I actually got a life (totally weird, I know) lol. The past two weeks have been so hectic. Between newspaper, KET, bowling, and just general parent/family drama, I feel like I have yet to take a breath. So to summarize:
Exciting things that happened:
01. We sold our house. We have to be out by the end of the month and have no idea where we're moving to lol.
02. Hider has friends. *claps excitedly* Friends that took over my life (and alone time) last week.
03. Our bowling team is third in the state of Tennessee. *dances*
04. I got readdicted to Degrassi and my ships toooootally changed. Mainly in the form of the Emma/Sean love getting the shit beat out of it by the Emma/Jay love. (DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT YOU KNOW THEY ARE AWESOME.)
05. Krysten Ritter...
FOUND OUR SITE... and messaged me and Sam. *hypervenilates for the 482,185 time in the past week*
Sad things that happened:
01. We sold our house. *hugs bedroom of awesomness* (also see: happy things #1)
02. Emily Vancamp and Chris Pratt broke up. *sad face* But now she's going to be on Brothes & Sisters, and *siigh* I don't need another new fandom but *whines* It's Emily!
03. I caught up on VM and... I like Bronson. I tried not to, I really really did but... *hangs head in shame*
04. changed the layout they have had FOREVER and... I cant' decide I like it. I mean, it's pretty, sure, but... I DON'T HANDLE CHANGE WELL.
05. Yeeeeah, OCD still here people.
Pimptastic things that happened:
Fic full of awesomness by
lit_glitter02. Me and Lena (mostly Lena) opened
Ryan and
03. I got to adopt the
Kevin Connelly fanlisting, which was on my wishlist so wootage. *dances*
04. Kyle is
beat-up!love on the next episode of CSI: NY lol.
05. I had a bunch of stuff (like fic/art/etc) but they were open in tabs and then my computer froze and closed the window *sad face*.
Frustrating things that are happening:
01. So I finally started working on my mac/dick mood theme again and I found thirsty/hungry no problem this time as they have both done that this season but GRRRR. It's Neptune, CA. NEITHER ARE EVER COLD. *whines* I have 9 out of 135 moods left and I can't find them. It's frustrating. One good thing is that I have
cd's gallery, which has all of just their scenes. I would kill myself if I had to dig through are something. But anyway, here's where I beg for help. Can anybody think of any caps (and I do mean anything close to- I'm desperate) where either Mac or Dick are the following:
cold, full, lethargic, or sick