01. Thanks so much to
aimtomiss, who uploaded JT for me. Sammy was being a grump butt and demanding that I find her the song.
02. I closed Broken Staircase... kind of. I've been working on a collective for E-F.net and then with all my new fanlistings I was going to make a fl collective and when I got to thinking about it yesterday, I decided there wasn't a point. So Broken Staircase, which I've been sick of and annoyed with for a while now, is dead. A new site has been born however....
MICE EAT CHEESETee hee. I luff the name lol. But yeah so now my site and fl collectives, as well as my art, icons, fic, screen caps, and anything else I randomly decide to shove in it can be found there lol. I really like the layout so please take a look and let me know what you think. Leave me a comment! It took me effin forever to get it all up the way I wanted. And if you own a site, you should tell me so I can put you on my loved list. You all change your domains too much. *cough LENA cough*
03. Happy belated birthdays to
_touched and
nordmaedchen, I didn't say it before because I thought I'd have your presents done by now, but nope. *hangs head* I's sorry. But I hope you both had a really amazing day. 'Yall definately deserve it. *smooshes*
04. Sooooo my userpics are expiring in like... two days. Is there any way anyone can possible do me a favor and renew them for me? My dad's being an ass and won't let me use my card until next week (for no apparent reason!) and my mom dosen't any money I can borrow until next week when she gets paid. Pleeeeease? I'll do whatever I can to repay you, icons, art, whatever if you want.
05. I really want to watch Supernatural this season. *siighs* Like a need another obsession. I'm going to run out of fan!girl one of these days and then I'm going to cry... because I won't be able to squee.
06. I'm loving this song like whoa. I can't wait to get my hands on the full album. *hits broken Limewire*
07. I love that I freak about a GG guest star (Krysten Ritter/Gia from VM) and everyone freaks out thinking I'm talking about Jess lol.
08. Umm...
go here and read this. Seriously. I luff it.
09. Sam has been watching Everwood reruns on ABC Family *dances* and she's making me all nostalgic. I've been missing Everwood and American Dreams (I wish someone would upload season three already *scows*) like whoa lately.
10. I'm super behind on comments so that's what I'm going to go do, catch up.