01. First off, the obvious:
Obviously I liked it, I mean you put Mac and Dick within twenty foot of each other and Hider goes all fangirl so their involvement was awesome. I love the new Dick. Shows that the people who hate him and call him a rapist *scowls* are way off, but so not going into that. But yeah, I love how big a roles Dick and especially Mac had in this ep. I'm so glad they're both regulars. It makes me extremely happy.
I like Piz. *ducks for cover under desk* Geez guys, no need to thow things! ESPECIALLY SHARP POINTY THINGS!! *glares at Nina* AnEway... yeah, his first scene made me crack a smile with the whole roomate thing. You could so tell Wallace was about to go apeshit on his ass lol. But yeah, he of course is kind of naive and out of it but I think that's kind of refreshing on a show where everybody has at least two-three majorly-angsty isses. And I don't like him with V, they're just not right for each other at all, but I could like their friendship if it was played right. His friendship with Wallace though? All kinds of awesome. I want lots of BFF moments between Piz + Wallace and Mac + V this season lol.
I liked Parker too. She was such a ditz in the beginning, but one of those sweet ones it's hard to be outright bitchy to. The randomly undressing thing was funny and I love the little shot on the door, just because the flowey white board vs. maskin tape just explained so much with one shot lol.
KENDALL. *pouts* I always liked her and her brief role in this ep has be aww-ing the whole time. It was so sad because she was so in love with him and while we know her as such as gold digger, here she was in trashy hip-huggers in a trailer in the middle of nowhere lol. I was sad she died. I'm not to worried about Keith though. It's not like anything can happen to him so *shrug* lol.
02. I got a new layout! My art skills have been pfft *thumbs down sign* lately so it's just that Mac/Dick wall I made a week or two ago but I like it. I wanted a change and I finally found layout codes for the Opal I like that don't mess anything up. My flist is set up awesome lol.
03. I also watched some other stuff last night...
I like it. I really do. I have a major thing against cringeworthy stuff, like it's so bad the stuff I find cringeworthy and unwatchable, so I hadn't originally planned on watching it because the previews made it seem like it would be really bad on that level. Suprisingly it wasn't. Obviously the poncho was horrible, (*hides behind hand and shakes head*) but I like Betty/Daniel, I didn't think I would but I do. And since ships are the whole reason I watch half my shows, that's a good thing because there's like no other ship on the thing lol.
04. You all know that I don't normally forumlate too many theories with the stuff going on my shows. I've done it like once before and it was VM in the first season. But now Heroes in two episodes has me all curious and forumlating all these theories.
I'm starting to think the whole powers thing is hereidtery. If it's not, then it must just be a huge koinky-dink that two brothers have the same exact same power and their father just happened to experience 'illusions of grandness' or whatever the fuck they called it lol.
Then there's the other hero that's suppose to pop up soon, the prison inmate who can walk through walls. Now, it's obvious that Nikki's kid is half something, and we know his father is on the run from the cops. I think his dad is the prison inmate, my suspicions are just raised even more by all the promo pics that have him with the kid. Then if that's true it raises the whole other question of: What happens to you when your dad can walk through walls and your mom looses time? *raises eyebrow*
Obviously something's up with Claire's dad too (who is excellent casting btw *shivers*). Part of wants to think he's Syler but the other part thinks thats way to easy. Plus, it depends if he was the one who actually killed the professor. If he did kill the professor and he is Syler, don't you think the professor would have fled the minute he saw his face (it said the professor knew/trained/whatever with him). The guy wasn't frozen/cut open either, which is Syler's usual MO. The only reason I think Claire's dad might be is because obviously, he's creepy and up to something, but Syler has to have a reason for cutting some people's heads off. In this week's ep, he didn't do it to the mom or the little girl, only the dad. If the reason behind that is the obvious 'study their brain' thing, then maybe the guy had his own powers and Claire's dad did to it. We know from the previews we've seen, it's kind of obvious he's intrested in running tests on them and etc.
Whether he's Syler or not though, it stills rasies heriditery questions though. If he is, well then one more point for my theory because Claire would have 'gotten it' from him (but then how come her brother didn't?). Regardless, I'm still not convinced her 'adoption' is so completely normal. Whether she's not really adopted, is but there's some freak backstory there, different mom, I don't know. Something there is creepy. /theories lol.
For the random fangirl babble:
The only ship I really like so far is Zach/Claire (cause they're awesome and the actor that plays Zach is a cutie) and then Mohinder/Lanie from Everwood lol. You soooo know they're going to hook up. BTW, I love that the dad named his lizard (assumingly) after his son.
But yeah, Heroes is just one of those shows where you just can't comment on everything. There are so many great characters and questions raised that there's just so much in every ep. So if any of you have your own theories/throughs I want to hear them. I'm in discussion mode, which literally happens once in a blue moon lol.
05. And last but not least, because apprently I do not watch enough tv...
Hee. Lily/Marshall need to hurry up and get back together because they are the cutest thing ever lol. They were cracking me up the entire time with the ploys to get the other worked up. And dude the calves. Who the fuck is turned on by men's calves?! lmao
Robin/Ted is just kind of eh, whatever, I really don't care. Their scene at the end was kind of funny, if only because his parents had the exact same one and we know they're going to end up the same way, not together. Speaking of, loved the parent plotline. When the whole cheating thing happened I was like eh whatever but after it all came out I was cracking up. The whole idea was awesome. Poor grandma lmao. Best line of the entire show. Well... it's tied with the last line from Barney, 'Oh yeah, he did mention he was divorced. Totally slipped my mind!' I love me some Barney. *snickers*
06. I got approved for the Corny fanlisting! It excites me like no other because I have an unhealthy obsession with the character, like whoa lol.
Jimmy and Chloe.org is one of the previously-mentioned domains I bought. The other one is still a secert. But Jimmy and Chloe Online (DO NOT JUDGE ME!) should be open by the end of the week.
Tied Together has two fans... including me. That makes me all kinds of sad lol.
09. Birthday girls: I haven't forgotten you! *runs off*
10. OCD.