the closer I get to the feeling, the further I get from feeling alright...

Sep 22, 2006 16:08

01. My mom actually went to Parent/Teacher confrences. She hasn't done that in years. Even when I almost flunked the ninth grade she didn't go. I liked that system. It worked quite well for me. But no. She had to go and ruin a perfectly good system. And THEN come home with a whole piece of notebook paper COVERED in assignments that I am to make up by Monday. *points to face* This is my not-thrilled-OR-greatful-face. *huffs*

02. I didn't get to watch GA last night because of the previously mentioned homework assignments. I was so bitter lol... especially when Scotty started in on our ritual of post-episode fangirl(boy)ing and I had to zzzt him. I missed House this week because of homework too. Stupid school. But yeah, I need to download those later.

03. The whole putting-new-shows-after-good-shows thing totally works. I've started new shows I would have never planned on watching lol. Justice (after Bones) and Stand Off (after House), I like the former better than the latter but both are not bad. I won't get addicted anytime soon, it's more of a Hider's-too-lazy-to-get-up-and-change-it type thing but still *shrug* Amanda Seyfriend was on Justice the week before last and Nikki Reed was on it this week. I really like how they show the crime as it happened at the end so you can see if the client lied and got away with it or not.

04. I did catch How I Met Your Mother! *is happy* Aly is the cutest thing ever. I want her back now. And Marshall was so adorable. I just wanted to hug him the whole time. Robin/Ted was cool just because you know it won't last.

05. I've decided I'm going to watch The Office this season. i added seasons one and two to my que because I want to catch up first but you guys are just too fangirly for it to not be awesome. I just 'yalls judgement lol. I also want to catch up on all the AD I missed. I've seen the first season but other than that just random episodes and I miss me some George Michael/Maeby incest lol.

06. I want to make icons and you guys always give me awesome ones. So first couple people to spam me with as many caps as you want from the fandoms below get icons. Pleeeeas do it?

Fandoms/Good Caps:
Angel/Buffy (earlier seasons would rock, no W/Tara or W/Kennedy *ick face*). Gilmore Girls (no Rory/Logan). Veronica Mars. Anbody from Chocolate Cherries (would be awesome). Smallville (No Clana)
Anything else, just ask ;)

07. Anybody wanna upload me some of their favorite songs of the momen/all time? This computer has hardly anything and I am so sick of it all. I don't care what I just need new music. *puppy dog face*

08. I miss talking to you all :(

tv shows; grey's anatomy, tv, tv shows: how i met your mother, misc: icon requests, school, tv shows: justice

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