It's rock paper scissors as to whether I will get over you at all.

Sep 15, 2006 20:58

01. So uh three weeks have passed and girlwholoved poked me. You know it's time to update when Thou-Who-Disappears-a-Lot pokes you lol. *hugs Bonnie* I don't really have an excuse for being gone as long as I have been other than I had a stomach virus, then I got busy trying to catch up with school and club work. Got strep throat. Got diagnosed with acid refleux-thingy. (No more Diet Coke for Hider.) Then the computer died for a week and a half. Not fun. So let's play catch up shall we?

02. School... How much do I regret taking AP US History? Oh, let me count the ways. I can do the work, I just have no work ethic. Someone remind me of this next time please. KET has been really cool though since I'm becoming good friends with the rest of the officers, who are so sweet. I've made friends on the bowling team too (I actually did make it and have gotten a lot better thank God lol). I joined HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) as well even though I don't really have an intrest in a health occupation, because the stuff they do is really cool and Scotty talked me into it. Damn him and his skills of persuasion. *bangs fist on table*

03. TV has ruled my free time lately: Buffy has taken over my life. House owns. Bones has turned me into a full-on fangirl. (You seriously can not imagine the squeeage set off by the smallest things in this week's ep. Bones/Booth + Angela/Hodgins 4eva lol.) Smallville totally has me all exicted for the premiere. (Which is weird since I've never been a big continuous watcher.) Mainly because Lex/Lana = hotness. Plus, I will be shipping Jimmy/Chloe like nobody's business. *nods*

05. Sider has a new ship obsession and it is *drum roll* Gia/Leo. They pwn. Do not deny it. He stalked her. You can't get anymore obvious than that. *nods convincingly*

06. Me and Sam have more sites in the works. When do we not right? But we have a system this time involving the monotoring of Hider's grades and Sam-forced-hiatus'. As of now though, a bunch of ours are on a temperary hiatus while I FINALLY get caught up with the galleries and media sections. They should all be back online in a week or two fully done and I'll only have to worry about the new updates (which will be so much easier).

08. The whole crossover-casting is all kinds of awesome and amuses me way too much. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about but I'm being intentionally vague so as not to get bitched at by a spolier phobe lol.

09. The whole cryptic super-sekrit-sider-project that required tv critics has been put on hold because Sam's computer is tupid and likes to make our lives difficult.

10. I missed birthdays while I was gone and I feel so incredibly bad you guys. I am so sorry. Especially to 10roads, who even reminded me! I know I suck. I promise I'll make it up to you though, some how. *hugs* I hope you all had great days.


school: ket, tv, tv: bones, sites, school: bowling, tv: smallville, misc, school, tjn, people: sam, school: hosa

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