Aug 02, 2006 19:50

Just BarelyPetty FaithTragedy Brewing
01. Nobody can ever say Hider can't keep a secret. 'CAUSE I CAN. *is proud of self* I started watching both Buffy + Angel couple weeks ago and omg TOTALLY OBSESSED. Heeeee. The only reason I've kept my mouth shut about it is because we knew you guys would guess the site in a minute if I told you I had a new fandom obsession and we wanted it to be a suprise.

02. The site is part of the reason I've been not around as much lately. I've been capping/clipping my butt off for the past two weeks. Hardly any of it is up on the sites yet but we're impatient and wanted to open lol. So all the good stuff will be spread out daily for the next couple weeks. There's also gonna be a big media site for everything. I'm very excited lol.

03. KGO is back up too lol. The gallery is still pretty empty and I have tons more media to upload but I'll get there. I just need the weekend at my mom's to catch up lol.

04. New layout here! hide_r I loved Jess/Anna and Opal is my favorite layout but it looks really crappy in the new Firefox *grrrr* So new look! No header, I was feeling in the mood for something simple and I like the polka dots lol.

05. First full school day was today... *makes sarcastic woo-hoo motion* Schedule is as follows: First block is Spanish II. I don't like the subject, teacher, or classmates. Hider gonna fail. *nods* Second block is Honors English III. It's the same teacher I had for H.English II so I think I can manage, I met a cool girl in the class too so I'm crossing my fingers. Third block is Journalism. *squees* I'm very excited. I can already tell it's going to be awesome. Fourth block is AP US History, which suprisingly I'm reeeally looking forward to. History is the one subject I'm good at but um first day? Shitload of homework in that class. Like I'm not even exaggerating. It wouldn't all fit in my bag lol. I'm so glad I don't have anything tommorrow and I can lay around in my sweats and work on that while I watch tv. Overall, school was pretty good but I dunno. We'll see how I feel in two weeks once the novelty of being back in class is worn off and my neon-colored binders and retractable Sharpies don't seem as nifty lol.

06. I saw John Tucker Must Die. Sophia was adorable. Bobcats. *shakes head* 'OMG, I'm such a slut you guys!' *snort* And Penn? *squeeeeeeeeeeeee* Hider went total fangirl on him lol.

07. I talked my dad into joining NetFlix! *is happy* I was so emo because my Blockbuster only has random Buffy + Angel seasons and I didn't know when I was gonna be able to get the money to buy them just so I could see them all but now I can. *squee* I got a disc of Angel, Buffy, and the first of Dead Like Me today. The latter is just always something I've always wanted to watch and now I finally have the chance to check it out. (By the way: Are there any good DVD cap galleries of Dead Like Me out there? Cause I don't want to get obsessed with the show and not be able to find good caps. I'd rather just cap the thing myself when I watch it if that's the case lol.)

08. *Cough choco_cherries + tvships_stills (LIMS) cough* Also: Always Imperfections, because her new layout is goooorgeous and I want it. *pouts*

sites, tv shows: dead like me, rl: netflix, lj: new layout, tv shows: angel/buffy, school, sites: kgo, sites: buffy network

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