01. I told Ashley I'd post this a while ago so here we go, my first Entourage art...
I'm not that happy with it but I wanted to go ahead and post it because when things set in my folder for long periods of time they have a tendency to be butchered beyond recognition and/or thrown away lol. So yeah, I know it's not my best but let me know what you think :)
02. I finished Entourage season two tonight.
I was sad for it to end because now I just have the first couple season three eps and then I'm all caught up and have to wait every week lol. I liked the finale though. It was all kinds of suckage that Vince and Mandy broke up, but I knew it was coming so I tried not to get to attatched. I was really sad for Vince when it first happened but when he started treating everyone like shit I got a little pissed. It was kind of twisted that they always treat me as the center of their attention but the first time he actually kind-of deserves to be and they dump him. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they did, but it was kind of funny lol.
I like that Turtle actually has a job now lol. I don't even like rap but even I thought that song would be pretty cool for the end scene. Billy Walsh amuses me though, as much of an ass as he is, you can't say he's not entertaining.
Adam Davies always got my nerves so I'm glad he's out. He was a fucking slimeball prick anyway. But Lloyd rules at life. I heart him... so so much lol. And him and Ari's friendship almost beats Eric's + Ari's. Especially them in the finale.
I didn't think I would but I actually really like Eric/Sloan. They're cute and I just want him to have a girl lol. When they were sitting on her couch with her in his lap me and my mom were totally awing. (But I looked on IMDB and she's not listed in season three. *frown* WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO ME?!)
Speaking of my mother... I think she is more addicted than I am now lol. Our remote dosen't work so the whole time we've been watching all the DVDs, we've been sitting there for five minutes between eps arguing over who has to get up but through the last disc she got up every time before the credits were even done lol. It 'twas quite funny.
03. I tried very hard for something not Entourage-related to say but you know me, I don't do any of that thinking hard crap so *shrug* I got nothing.