AREM Part 1

Jul 26, 2014 14:08

*not mine. Author: Rachel Maxwell from the Town of Odyssey. However, author unknown in the long run*

Level Clearance-5
From-Peter Borland
To-Department Head, Chester Albertson
RE: Computer Hacker: AREM

The following is an account of my investigation of the computer hacker AREM, as pertaining to Case # 272467-the Andromeda Case. WARNING-THIS REPORT IS LEVEL FIVE CLEARANCE. UNAUTHORIZED VIEWERS WILL BE PROSECUTED. My investigation began on June 09, 2000. I took over the case from recently retired George Yokomo. His reports and files indicated that a malicious computer hacker(s) was/were working out of the Boston area. However, delving further into the investigation, we found a number of suspicious circumstances to indicate that the hacker(s) was/were working from two different locations at different times-Boston, and Chicago. The incidents were almost perfectly timed and nearly untraceable so as to make it more difficult for anyone to pin down exactly where the hacker was working from. When the authorities began to close in on one location, apparently, the other location became active and the other was dormant for a short amount of time-usually a week or so. (Exact dates can be found in Appendix C-3.) Due to other investigations, and the indication at the time that this was no more than a smart hacker, the investigation was regularly pushed to the back burner as we delved into what we found to be more pressing matters. Whether that helped or hindered Case # 272467, I will leave for you to decide-I am presenting only the facts. In the middle of one transmission of the hacker while working in Boston, we were able to get a reading on his/her approximate location. The authorities investigated fully, but were able to turn up only circumstantial evidence. As of that time, we had no name for the hacker-who was simply dubbed ‘Slider’ by the people investigating; due to the way s/he seemed to slide around the map. Our sources indicated that this hacker had yet to implant a virus into any kind of system, but was worming their way into more protected files than we knew existed. To further complicate our investigation, the owners of the company involved insisted their own security people could handle this threat. Maybe it would have been left at that if the hacker had not delved into files at a college (Campbell) in the small town of Odyssey, near Chicago. At that time, the hacker gave himself a name. AREM.

Subject: Transcript

Here’s a transcript of the past conversation I had w/ Odyssey. BTW I gave us a name. AREM. Get it? Huh? Huh? I think it’s pretty cute. I’ve got the computer set up so that besides the voice processor and all, it also types out what I say so I can email you the conversations. I think that’s pretty handy myself.

AREM-Hi. What are you looking for?

Here they waited so long I was afraid they had disconnected or something.

AREM-Don’t worry about all the warnings you see posted. It’s just a little security precaution. So, anything I can help you with?

MJEFFERSON-whats the radio wave study

Maybe I shouldn’t have given it to them-but dude, I wasn’t for sure if it was kids or not, and I’m kinda ready to blow this thing open, y’know? I thought maybe the person just couldn’t type. And worked for the college. Right.

AREM-Do you have a Level Four password?


AREM-Do you want it?

I think I was giving them one chance to back out-y’know, spare themselves the anguish or whatever. It took the kid (I think it was a kid) a while to answer, like the good guy and the bad guy on each shoulder were fighting. Apparently, one of them (whether it was the good guy or the bad guy I will leave for you to decide) won, because finally


AREM-Alright. The password is ‘Red Herring’.

The kid types it in, like a good kid.(I’m still not sure it was a kid-I’ll have to ask my, ahem, sources.)

AREM-Now, go to the bottom of the screen and click on medical tests. That’s where you’ll find all the information.

That’s when they went under ‘unavailable’. I thought maybe they just were invisible, but they never said anything else, even when I asked them if it was working. So there went that. O well. Cya around AREM.

Subject: AREM

Thanks. Dude, if it was a kid you probably shouldn’t have done it…but I’m still glad you did. Ready to get this out and over with. AREM? I don’t get it. Ancient Red Eagle Men? Ohhhkay.

Subject: AREM

Dude, don’t you get it? AREM? R M? Robert Mitchell? Richard Maxwell? I thought it was rather clever. Anyways I changed all the profile and all so that’s what it’s set as-and looks like it always has been. K?

Subject: Dude You Are Weird

Dude You Are Weird. RM. AREM. Kinda obvious though, isn’t it? I mean, what if somebody figures it out?

Subject: Figures it Out

Mitch, there’s nothing for them to figure out. They would never think of me, and-o yeah. When do you get that transfer anyways? You know, maybe that person online the other day was, like, the authorities. FBI or something. That’s what I’m hoping for. Course…they wouldn’t need us to help them out. I don’t think. Find out man, you know this stuff. Don’t you? Hey, GTG. The kid or whoever is online again-Hm. I think they think we are stupid Quarter. TaTa.

Signed, AREM. (hee hee)

AREM-Hi there. Welcome back.


AREM-What happened to you yesterday?

MJEFFERSON-the computer crashed on us

AREM-Why didn’t you try again?

MJEFFERSON-my cousin didnt want to

AREM-Too bad. Did you find what you were looking for?

MJEFFERSON-we saw something called r w s

AREM-That’s all?


MJEFFERSON-whats the big deal about r w s

AREM-Time to go now.

MJEFFERSON-who are you anyway

AREM-We’ll have to talk again some other time. Bye-bye.

Subject: Modem/Address change

Well? Did they find it? I’ll be getting the transfer as soon as it clears the front desk, so my e address will change. I’ll IM you with the new one soon. CYA around…AREM. (You’re weird.)

Subject: IDs

Hey AREM II, my *sources* (what would you do without me) have provided me with the names of the people I was chatting with. (Yes people.) Their names were Cal Jordan and Alex Jefferson-kids, like I said. Apparently the kids are mini versions of you and me Mitch, cuz they hacked into the system through Alex’s mom’s profile. It brings a tear to my cheek…maybe if they turn out like you they’ll be alright.

But I also heard that security did find the modem, so we’re doing alright. I do feel slightly bad about giving the password to a couple of kids…but man, we’re kind of against a wall. Not many people answer IMs from unknown senders. Even though AREM sounds very warm and cuddly to me. Yo Mitch, those kids are back on. On the Novacom site no less, not restricting themselves to the college anymore. Under a different name now though. Prob got into trouble for using A’s mom’s profile. Hey, different kid typing. He actually uses capital letters and punctuation. Ooh they’re at Special Projects, thee kids are CURIOUS. Remind me of myself…except I didn’t do hacking until college. Much.

AREM-Hi guys.

A&C-We’re not supposed to talk to you.

AREM-Really? Who says?

A&C-The police. They’re after you.

AREM-I’m innocent.

A&C-I don’t believe you.

AREM-It’s Novacom you should worry about.


AREM-Do you want the password?

A&C-To what?

AREM-Special Projects?


AREM-Try ‘Nova Rising.’ Bye.

Subject: AREM (again)

What’d the kids do that time? Maxy, how do you do that-how did you know it was the same kids? Warm and cuddly my foot.

Subject: Kids

I can’t reveal my secrets…but Mitch you could do it yourself if you weren’t WORKING ALL THE TIME. Well I think it’s cute and cuddly. Do you think I’m not cute and cuddly? I had a girl tell me just the other day I was the sweetest young man she’d ever met. Course…she was ninety-three, and I’d just helped her off the bus, but hey, female is female. The kids took the password-I stuck around after signing off, and they got into Special Projects, but didn’t do anything after that. I just hung around for awhile and saw somebody else online, but apparently they didn’t think AREM was cute and cuddly enough to risk a conversation with a stranger because they never accepted or rejected. So I signed off. When r u getting that transfer? My *sources* have to leave town in a while man, we need a guy in Odyssey. Sending you a pic of Monica so you will know what she looks like. LOOK FOR HER. Sorry I couldn’t get it to you sooner-my scanner is on the blink (Bang Bang Banging my head against the wall) so I’m having to snail-mail it. BTW tell Ray ‘hi’ for me. Haven’t talked to her in awhile.

Subject: Transfer

I’ll be in Odyssey by tomorrow. Get this: one of my first jobs is to talk to Mr. Whittaker. Apparently he is The Go-to person about Odyssey. So this is my last e from this address. I’ll IM you as soon as this one is dissolved. And I will. She’s on vacation, remember?

AREM popped up in peculiar places, at peculiar times, centered still in Boston and Chicago, but suddenly the work in Boston became dormant-and AREM never worked from there again. Apparently, the work that had been going on in Boston shifted to an entirely different location; Odyssey itself.

INSTANT MESSAGE-Mitchell_of_Maine to DareAngel

Hey Max, this is my new address. E me to let me know you’ve gotten this.

DareAngel-No need, I’m online.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Cool. Did they find the modem?

DareAngel-They should’ve for all the time I spent on there. If not they need new security guys. You know, I bet that guy Gillespie is still working there-he headed the investigation that got me kicked out of that college.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Bitter are we?

DareAngel-Noooo. Do you realize that your name spells out MOM?

Mitchell_of_Maine-I didn’t think of that.

DareAngel-Gonna change it?

Mitchell_of_Maine-To what?


Mitchell_of_Maine-Max, you have mental issues, you know that?

DareAngel-Hey, at least I admit when I’m crazy.

Mitchell_of_Maine-And you definitely are that.

AREM-Hello there.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Max, cut it out, I’ve gotta tell you something.


Mitchell_of_Maine-I’m settled in in Odyssey, been here a couple of weeks, got an apartment and everything.

AREM-That’s great. What part of town are you in?

Mitchell_of_Maine-There are parts? I dunno, in the apartment building part. But I was just gonna say I went over to that place you keep raving about, that Whit’s End-to talk to that guy Whittaker.

AREM-What’d ya think?

Mitchell_of_Maine-I think I like the girl that works there.

AREM-Dude, you don’t waste time do you? And her name is Connie.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Hey, I helped her move a box. I know her name.

AREM-I’m so proud-hold on while I get a tissue.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I was just gonna ask, is she alright?

AREM-Sure, a little flaky sometimes, but generally she’s OK. Little weepy though. Got my shirt all wet when I apologized to her. Sweet though.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I mean is she a good guy or a bad guy.

AREM-Do you think I would hang out with her if she was a bad guy?

Mitchell_of_Maine-Well, you haven’t hung out with her in years, and years ago, yeah, you would’ve…

AREM-Well she’s great. Don’t you dare break her heart.

Mitchell_of_Maine-And you say I work fast. Who’s thinking fast now?

AREM-You are.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I should’ve asked her about the modem. Although come to think of it she didn’t seem to know much about computers…

AREM-Yeah, casually say ‘Oh, by the way, have you happened to find any suspicious looking stray modems around here?’

Mitchell_of_Maine-I thought you were gonna ask your hotshot informant or whoever.

AREM-I was. They aren’t answering their emails. Probably already left town.

Mitchell_of_Maine-So much for that.

AREM-Don’t need them for info no more, you’re in Odyssey, and I like you almost as much as them.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I’m truly flattered.

AREM-You should be.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Get off the profile, the more you use it the more chance they have of tracing it.


DareAngel-How’s this?

Mitchell_of_Maine-Better. Did I mention that I saved Whittaker from a riot?

DareAngel-You’re joking.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Nope. Also had Connie tell me she couldn’t do the Bible study with me, then use up all the tape on my answering machine telling me she wanted to. Sweet (if kinda weird) girl that Connie.

DareAngel-Send her flowers.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I already did.

DareAngel-You’re goooood.

Mitchell_of_Maine-I guess I better be going-some of us have jobs to get to.

DareAngel-Hey, I have a job.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Yeah. How’s it going?

DareAngel-Not bad. Charles is alright. Kinda creepy, but not like Blackgaard or anything. Get the photo of Monica?

Mitchell_of_Maine-Find out anything? And yes, just got it in the mail-Mum forwarded all my mail to me, isn’t she 1derful?

DareAngel-GTG-somebody’s on.

Mitchell_of_Maine-Let me do this one, where are they?

DareAngel- I dunno what site-on one of the computers at the new Whit’s End. Whaddaya know, same two boys. This has gone beyond coincidence. I thought you had to go to work.

AREM-Nah. Cya.

DareAngel-You never let me have any fun. B sure and show them the camera.

AREM-I will.

rachel maxwell, adventures in odyssey, part 1, arem, arem part 1, unknown author, not mine, fanfiction, richard maxwell, unknown date

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