Stolen from
rogueslayer452 This meme had been making its rounds again on my flist, and since it's been a while since I've done one of these I thought I would make one for July. Regular rules apply. Pick any date(s) and ask me anything you would like to know, from fandom to something personal and deep. Multiple questions are very much welcome, even if all the dates are filled.
July 01 - If you could live anywhere else, where would you live? from
glacier_kittyJuly 02 - What was your first job? from
spaciirethJuly 03 - What's a movie/show/book that you've really enjoyed in your childhood, but haven't re-watched/re-read since or thought about in a while? from
andrea_deerJuly 04 - What's the best and the worst thing for you about summer? from
andrea_deerJuly 06 - What are your fave childhood shows? from
ragnarok_08July 07 - Who is your favourite villain of all time? from
eowynJuly 08 - What's one thing you would like to accomplish before the year ends? from
andrea_deerJuly 09 - What are some of the things you have learned from writing fanfiction? from
erasedsilenceJuly 10 -
July 11 - What movies have you seen recently? from
ragnarok_08July 12 - What is on your bucket list? from
erasedsilenceJuly 13 - Which countries have you visited, if any? from
spaciirethJuly 14 - Best season? from
zhelanaJuly 15 -
July 16 -
July 17 -
July 18 - What is your favorite sport? from
ragnarok_08 and What has made you laugh recently? from
night_owl_9July 19 -
July 20 -
July 21 -
July 22 - What's the coolest geocache you've found? from
glacier_kittyJuly 23 - How did you get into anime and what are your favorite shows? from
erasedsilenceJuly 24 -
July 25 -
July 26 - What's your favourite recipe? from
spaciirethJuly 27 - If you could have any mythological creature as a pet, which would you choose and why? from
eowynJuly 28 -
July 29 -
July 30 -
July 30 - Best moment of the month? from