(no subject)

Oct 24, 2011 00:12

Who knew I'd appreciate bitchy sister's attitude towards the temple over the chilled snowboarders.

I was tickled by the twins' enthusiasm over the elephants.

Wow, the father in the father-son pair rubbed me the wrong way. It's obvious he's the type that when it's his fault he won't own up to it, but I'm sure when someone else makes a mistake he's all over them. Uh, not that I have to deal with that kind of thing with my dad or anything...

That duo really keeps making mistakes, don't they? And just out of pure lazy thinking. The son tends to realize when something is off, but he won't go against his dad. HELLO, THIS IS A RACE. (Edit: My [and their] mistake. First class travel only refers to air travel. Wow. Sucks to be them. Now I'm sure the dad will NEVER listen to the son's concerns about following the rules.)

LOL to Ernie and Cindy's Thai-American currency situation. 'Who is that lady?!' 'You're a horrible driver!'

A round of applause for the teams smart enough to take notes on the layout of the temples.

FUCK! THE TWINS ARE SCREWED! Man, how much were those drivers charging? And for how long a ride? Awwww, cab driver to the rescue! And again! And again! Damn lucky they're young and pretty. Why was no one else broke?

It's easy to be chill and friendly when you're at the front of the pack. I was wondering what the snowboarders would be like under pressure. Now I know the Beardless One doesn't do so good.

It's funny how the siblings (4th place) were thinking they might be first while Cindy and Ernie (3rd place) were so worried they were last. I guess your perspective depends on how often you feel thwarted during the leg!

Ugh! I know the twins don't deserve it, but I was kinda hoping they would make it. I mean I couldn't pick Jeremy and Sandy out of a line up. So tired of dating couples on TAR.

The Good Wife.
Alicia is a Caitlin!

Here she goes thinking Celeste did a bad job trying to wreck their relationship, but the hell if 'He's always going to disappoint you' wasn't ringing in her ears during that final scene.

Will/Alicia are not long for this world and I'm okay with that. I was rooting for them in S1 and some of S2, but it feels perfectly organic for things to fall apart. Glad to see they aren't being treated like OTPs, but two normal people with normal issues getting in the way. No star-crossed, alternate dimension-crossed, interspecies-crossed drama.

Also, Celeste/Alicia drinking and pretending they were having a lovers' spat FTW! It almost helps me deal with the lack of Alicia/Kalinda.

I'm hoping I'll end up liking Caitlin. It would be obvious to have her fail miserably, but the show tends to do things differently. Thank god.

Do the writers just not know what to do with Grace? How to write teenagers? Is Grace having slightly creepy/weird friends always going to be a thing?

the good wife, tar

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